Two Seforim on important questions and answers, bound together. Official owner handwriting from that period. Sdiklov 1834-1835.
*Questions and answers from MeHar”am Alshaker. Sadiklov 1834.
“Written by Honorable noble Rabbi genious and famous Rabbi of all members of the diaspora one and only of our generation the light of diaspora our holy light Rabbi Moshe the son of Rabbi Yitzchok Alshaker (Al Ashker) (called MeHar”am Alshaker or MaHar”am Al Shaker) who was of the great sages and geniouses of Egypt important Poskim and from the latest poets. At the end of the sefer are printed some poems and one prayer of MeHar”am Alshaker.
60 pages, bluish 38cm, very good condition.
*Questions and answers from MeHara”m of Rottenberg, Sadiklov 1835.
Three parts.
27, 25, 11 pages 38cm. very good condition.