Sefer Torahs Moshe Mehadura Tenyuna, Braishis, by Rabbi Moshe Sofer, known as the "Chasam Sofer", first edition. With "Ohr Torah" Annotations, by Rabbi Shlomo Aharon Vertheimer, sefer Braishis Jerusalem 1904
“Sefer Torahs Moshe Mehadura Tenyuna, Sefer Braishis, includes beautiful explanations on each Parshe of the Chamishah Chimshai Torah (the five books of Torah) from the Grand Rabbi Moshe Sofer Ztzlh”h, author of shu”t Chasam Sofer, “. (Besides for the sefer ‘Torah Moshe’ and Torahs Moshe Tenyuna’ an additional commentary was published from the Chasam Sofer on The Torah in series ‘Chasam Sofer Al Hatorah’).
Without cover and spinal binding the inner side of pages are decomposing with no damage to the writings, fair condition