Tendons and hairs from covering of Parshiot HaTefilin from the Ohr Pnei Moshe, Rabbi Moshe of Pshevorsk. Segula and wonderful protection.
Hairs which covered the Parshiot HaTefilin of the Ohr Pnei Moshe, wrapped in special silver paper, kept holy and respectfuly in the treasures of Scribe Sta”m famous Chassid Rabbi Yisrael Chaim Hass. Tefilin shel Yad according to Rash”i.
Kashrut not verified as of today.
Four Parshiot of Tefilin rolled from beginning to end and covered with hair from kosher animal. For most it is customary to use the tail of an calf. afterwards wrapped in additional parchment and on top again hair across the Parshiot.
רבי ישראל חיים האס [ראה להלן] היה האיש שנבחר ע”י צדיקי הדור לבדוק ולתקן פרשיות תפילין שהיו אצלם בירושה מגדולי הדורות רועי החסידות שבדורות הראשונים. הוא היה ה’בר סמכא לזיהוי כתבי הצדיקים סופרי המלך של רועי החסידות.
ביומן הסופרות האישי של רבי ישראל חיים, שנמצא בבית המכירות, נכתבו בכתב יד מסודר ולפי סדר כרונולוגי, פרשיות התפילין, מגילות אסתר שכתב וספרי התורה. כמו כן מתאר במילים ספורות חלק ניכר מהפרשיות המיוחסות שבאו לפתחו בהם טיפל ללא תמורה. הוא היה מבקש מגדולי ישראל שהתעקשו לשלם לו עבור מלאכת הקודש, את שיירי הגידים שעטפו את הפרשיות וחלקי הקלף שכיסו את הפרשיות לפני הכנסתן לבתי התפילין.
ביומנו, כותב על פרשיות תפילין שקיבל מהרבי מבאיאן, אותן כתב האור פני משה, או תפילין שקיבל מהרבי ממאנסי בכתיבת ידו של רבי זושא מהאניפאלי, תפילין שקיבל מהרבי ממכנובקה, מכתיבת יד רבי צבי סופר סופרו של הבעל שם טוב.
בקופסה קטנה, שמר רבי ישראל חיים מכל משמר את אוצרות סגולת מלכים אלו, פריט זה ופריטים קמאיים אחרים, כשעל כל שקית או קופסת פלסטיק רשם בדיוק את תכולתה הנדירה. בגידי תפילין של הרה”ק מאפטא מכתיבת הרה”ק האור פני משה, כתב ברטט גם את תאריך ההתעסקות עמהן.
In his diary Rabbi Hass wrote about Tefilin from the writings of the Ohr Pnei Moshe of Pshevorsk, which arrive to him to check by the Holy Rabbi of Biyan shlit”a. The
Rabbi personaly requested to have them repaired by him.
Rabbi Moshe HaLevi of Pshevorsk (known also Rabbi Moshe Sofer Sta”m of Pshevorsk [1720-1806] Righteous and Admo”r in the fourth generation of the Chassidic movement). Scribe Sta”m of all Chassidic Gedolim of his generation who purchased from him Tefilin for themselves. Amongst them Hrh”k Rabbi Elimelech of Liz’ensk, Rabbi Baruch of Mez’buz, Rabbi Mordechei of Nasciz, The Chozeh of Lublin, Rabbi David of Leluv, Rabbi Uri of Strelisk, and Rabbi Yitzchok Eizik of Zyditchov. which is known that Rabbi Moshe Alshich appeared to him. Sons of Hrh”k Rabbi Zusha of Anipoli wrote on him the following לאסהודי באנו מה ששמענו מפה קדוש אדוננו אבינו הצדיק מו’ נשמתו עדן בזה הלשון, בהיותי נע ונד נתארחתי בק”ק פשעווארסק,ולא הוטב בעני האכסניא להתאכסן,בא נער קטן ואמר לי אם להתאכסן מר רוצה,בוא עמי והוליך אותי אצל הרב הזקן זה שקנה חכמה, מוהר”ר משה סופר נ”ע דק”ק הנ”ל, וראיתי בהיותו לומד היה דמות דיקנו עומד לפני כדמות מלאך ד’ צבאות,”ובהיותו כותב הקדוש היו להב יוצא מאותיותיו הקדושים” כ”ז שמענו מפיו הקדוש
Author of sefer Ohr Pnei Moshe.
Scribe (Sofer sta”m) from many Gedolai Yisrael.
HaRav HaChassid Rabbi Yisrael Chaim Hass was a scribe from the great Chassidei Viznitz, G-D fearing scholar, Chassid, and conducted himself with Chassidut.
Born to is father the Hagoan HaChassid R’ David Aryeh (Leibish) z”l, a very elevated personage, outstanding scholar, exceptionaly knowlegable in all of Torah and Chassidus, He was close to Hrh”k Rabbi Chaim of Ottynia zya”l, to whom he was attached through his fathers family Hrh”ch R’ Yehudah z”l who was from the important Chassidei of Ottynia. He also traveled several times to his holy grandfather the author of “Ahavat Yisrael”. As a youth R’ Leibish learned in Viznitz by the “Damesek Eliezer”, and also in Lublin in the Yeshivah of Hagaon Rabbi Meir Shapira.
After R’ Yisrael Chaim learned many years in Kollel with much toil, he stodied for a livelihood the holy works of being a scribe (Sofer Stam), and his name spread all over as being outstanding and very special, of which his fear of G-d surpaced his wisdom. His reputation spread as a rare specialist, he was contacted from all over the world to hear his advice and opinions on matters of sofrut.
He approached his avodah with obstinate compassion. Even durring the last years of his life after decades of writing he approached his writing as if it was the beginning full of fear and with much scrupulousness, tied with a gartel and doned with two head coverings.No wonder that all great gedolim strived to purchase their Parshiot for Tefilim only by R’ Yisrael Chaim, amongst them the Admo”rei of Viznitz, Admori”m of Buhush, Skulen, Lublin, Narol, Bayan, Erlauh, and Posek Hador Moro”n Shevet HaLevi, and Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch. many more great Gedolim asked his opinion on matters pertaining. Years before, as the “Shevet HaLevi” opened his personal Beit Horoah on the subject of Sofrot, he urged R’ Yisrael Chaim to sit there permanently to direct and instruct, but R’ Yisrael Chaim didn’t agree fearing of undertaking such a holy responsibility.
He was considered a big expert who knew to identify in Sifrei Torah and the Parshiot the scribe that had written them. Writtings that have been written by the Hrh”k Rabbi Moshe of Pshevorsk or by other sages and scribes from previous generations were brought befor him and after looking at the writtings and the lettering was able to confirm who the scribe was. Many Jews who sold and bought holy written items relyed only on his signature and authorization about the writer of the Parshiot. And so Jews that owned expensive Sifrei Torah and Tefilin having inherited them from righteous men of previous generations would give them to R’ Yisrael Chaim to check them, It was well known that he approached this work with much fear of heaven.
Rabbi Yisrael Chaim left a will for his children, not to write any discriptions on his tomb, only that as his work as a scribe he tried to write each letter as it was certified and given over from Sinai.
Source: inheritance from R’ Yisrael Chaim Hass.