Notice, by the leaders of the Kolel Polin fund, calling to pray for the wellbeing of Hadmo”r of Skiernivitz, Rabbi Mordechei Menachem Mendel. Jerusalem. 1929.
[1] page printed by Y.A. Weis, Jerusalem, 1929. 25x20cm.
H’Admo”r of Skiernivitz, Rabbi Mordechei Menachem Mendel father of Shimon’le grandson of Rabbi Yitzchok founder of Vorka Chassidus. Rabbi Mordechei Menachem Mendel was great in Torah and integrity. He lived in Otwock, in Skiernivitz, and in Warsaw, there he was involved in tradeing for business. He gave a lot of charity and was involved in Chesed. After the passing of his father on Hoshanah Rabah1926. He filled the place as Admo”r. He suffered many years from an acute pulmonary disease, was bedridden for many months until he passed away on th 18th day of Adar A 1929. His whole large family was lost in the Holocaust.
See Beit Yaakov, series 94 pages 22-23.
Stains on the side of the page, folded at the corner, good – very good condition.