Sefer Beit Aharon – on Torah and Avodah, by Hrh”k Rabbi Aharon of Karlin. With Kovetz Divrei Torah, letters, and traditions according to Chassidut by three Admo”rim of Karlin –Stolin. First edition. Brodi 1875.
Note, in this copy the following message is printed on an additional page at the end of the sefer:
להתודע ולהגלות שיש ת”י מצדיקי דורנו שליט”א על דבר הדפסת הספר הקדוש וגם הסכמת ואיסורים מחכמי ורבני ספרד שבארצות החיים ומגדולי הרבנים אשר במדינתנו לבל ירים אשי את ידו…”
(This is unlike other copies where this announcement is printed in a different style on the back of the cover page.) See also ‘Kovetz Beit Aharon V’Yisrael’ no. 31 6th year no.1. Article from HaRav Abish Shor.
[3]158 pages
[4] 25cm. Two cover pages
Stefanski Chassidic books no. 82.
Bound in attractive cover. Beautiful print. Wide margines. Minor reinforcements on part of the pages. Condition very good – excellent.