Toraht Chovat Halvavot, from Rabbainu Bachyei the Sefaradi, Warsaw edition 1930, from the personal seforim of Hrh”k Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Weis the Admo”r of Spinka Bnei Brak and before that the abd”k of Borșa.
The sefer was given to the Admo”r during his formative years, at the begining of the sefer [forsazt page] and inside are many notations and comments, summaries and reference places by his holy hand writing.
Most notations are on the chapter of ‘Shaar Cheshbon Hanefesh’, summary of articles and sections inside the sefer, some annotations.
In a rare case he Admo”r arranged the chapter of Chesbon Hanefesh to learn daily accordint to 30 days of the month, decades befor the leader the Admo”r the Yeshias Moshe of Viznitz articulated this at the Kennesia Gedola of Agudat Yisrael in the year 1980.
at the finishing of the Shaar Cheshbon Hanefesh he wrote:
הל’ סעיפים סגולה ללמוד מהם כל המידות טובות והחמודות.
125, 86 pages,30cm.
Admo”r Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Weiss of Spinka [1912-1988] grandson of the Chakal Yitzchok of Spinka, served as a young Rav in the city of Borșa, lost his wife and three children in the Holocaust. Afte the Holocaust, he set up from new the splendid and famous Spinka institution in the United States and Israel and was renowned as one of the great Admo”rim of the generation after the war.