Sefer Hakavonut of the Ar"I HaKodush. With editing from Hagaon Rabbi Pesachye ab"d Frankfurt D’Main. Jeßnitz, 1723.
Sefer Hakavonut was first printed in the year 1620 in Venice by non Jewish printer, Great Mekubalim did not put their hands on that edition. About four years afterwards [year 1624] Then Hagaon and mekubal Rabbi Pesachye ab"d Frankfurt D’Main edited the sefer and published the revised edition. since during the time of the first edition Rabbi Pesachye was imprisoned, he therefore could not edit the sefer as he himself testified "בעת צרה בהיותי חבוש בבית האסורים בק"ק פרנקפורט בעונותי כ"ג יום"
This is the second edition with the editing of Rabbi Pesachye.
[3] 43 [1] 20cm. With a rare page listing the errors.