The Chafetz Chaim was very careful that an error should not come out from under his hand. Each sefer that he printed, he went over and edited page after page so that no error should be released heaven forbid from him, so that he should not transgress in stealing and fraud, if some pages stick together or a page comes out empty in error.
After it was edited, he personally signed with his holy hands at the head of each volume:
‘מוגה’ ‘Mugha’ (proofread).
This is a rare copy of the Mishne Berura part 4, Levin Epstein edition, Warsaw, photo edition from Petrikov edition 1902.
Written at the top of the sefer – the word ‘mugha’ (proofread) by the holy hands of the Chafetz Chaim.
In chapter 363 – Hilchot Shabbat, a printing error appears that may bring to a hindrance. In section 20, Moron the Mechaber (Shulchan Aruch) brings the following Halacha: : היתה עקומה ועקמימותה נוטה חוץ למבוי או
למעלה מעשרים או למטה מעשרה רואים כל שאלו ינטל העקמימות ואין בין זה לזה שלשה כשרה ואם לאו פסולה
In this edition it was printed in error:
למעלה מד, This mistake makes a big difference in Hilchot Eiruvin.
Moron the Chafetz Chaim, took pen in hand, correct the error that was published by the printer, added in the margins of the sheet two letters indicating on top
The following editions, it was corrected by this editing, and the law and Halachah returned to its correct place.
[1] 196-290 22.5cm. Listing of various ownership’s. Very good condition.