Sefer Sidrei Taharot on Tractate Keilim, at the end of the sefer rare and unique map of Israel which the author used for his famous investigation on the Techeilet. . First edition. Józefów, 1873.
This following copy entails a rare and holy inclusion: a unique valuable map of Eretz Yisrael, under the personal signature of the author (who was then just 33 years old):
‘גרשון חנוך הענוך לינער בהרב הגאון הקדוש מאיזבצא שליט”א’
[5], 272 pages. Map at the end. Cover page with red lettering.
Background: The author published his sefer on Mishnayot Seder Taharot, which the page layout were similar to the Talmud Bavli – Sha"s. This sefer caused a great controversy in those times, when many sages of the time disagreed with this sefer fearing that with time it will be considered as a part of the Talmud. Therefor the author printed the second part in a different layout adding a title on top of each page "Sefer Sidrei Taharot", and at the bottom margin noted that this is "compiled from the words of the Tana’im and the Amora’im z"l". with this the strong polemic was calmed.
It is accepted that this sefer was actually prepared on the whole seder Taharot, but a great part of it was lost.
New binding. Cover page and page of map were professionally rehabilitated. Stains, light tears with nothing missing. General condition good – very good.
The Admo"r Rabbi Gershon Chanoch Henech Leiner of Radzin [1839-1890], "The Radziner Rebbe". known as the Ba’al HaTecheilet for reinstituting the "techeilet" thread on tzitzit. The Rebbe was brilliant in both the revealed and the hidden Torah. He was also extremely knowledgeable in several scientific fields, like chemistry, engineering and medicine. He made use of his vast knowledge to research the topic of Techeilet. He published several books on the topic, such as Sefunei Temunei Chol, Pesil Techeiles, and Ein HaTecheilet.