Sefer ‘Mareh Kohen’, annotations on Mesechet Zevachim from Hgh"k Rabbi Yehuda ben Yaakov Kohen of Lisa. First edition. Frankfurt, 1776. Personal copy with hand signature of the Holy Gaon from great scholars of the generation Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Heller ab"d Ungvar and Bonyhad.
[4] 80 pages. Stained on several of the last pages. General condition good.
HaGoan HaKodesh Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Heller known by his nickname Rabbi Hershel Charif, Author of ‘Tiv Gitin’ from the great men of the generation in the times of the Geonim Rabbi Akiva Eiger and the Chasam Sofer, which is know to have married the third time with the widow of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch.
Born in Zamość in Poland, in his early years he settled in the city of Rava and engaged himself with learning Torah partnering with Hrh"k Rabbi Shalom of Kamínka.
News about his intelligence reached HaGaon the Bal ‘Baruch Taam’ and through his influence Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch was accepted as ab"d in the city of Brzesko in Galicia.
From there he was accepted as head of the yeshiva in the city of Brody. Amongst his disciples are great Rabbis that illuminated the generation: Rabbi Moshe Tubish (author of Toafot and Karnei Re’eim), the author of Shu"t Hrm"tz and Rabbi Shlomo Gancfried author of Kitzur Shilchon Aruch.
After that he was ab"d and Rosh Yeshiva for the communities of Ungvar and Bonyad.
At the end of his days he was accepted as Rav of Alt-Ofen (Obuda), there he served as Rav for less than a year, until his sudden death on 25th day of Tishrei 1835, before he turned 60.
He was buried in the old cemetery of Alt-Ofen. And years later his grave was transferred to the Budapest cemetery.
He left after him many sefarim hand written, among them annotations on Sha"s and the Tur and Shu"t, but most were burned.
His seforim that were printed:
Chidushe Tiv Gitin –on Mesechet Gitin.
Tapuchei Zahav – Derushim
Shu"t – on Yoreh Daeh
Shu"t – on Ohr HaChaim and Even Haezer.
Pamphlet HaGoan R’ Tzvi Charif –part one – on the issues of Shikul HaDaas
Pamphlet Hagaon R’ Tzvi Charif – part two – Chidushim on Sha"s.