Valuable document with the holy signature of the Holy Rabbis of Viznitz upon the commencement of establishing the neighborhood ‘Ahavat Yisrael and Orach Chaim’ which is the famous Viznitz neighborhood (in Bnei-Brak) today.
The Holy Rabbis Hrh"k the Imrei Chaim, Hrh"k the Mekor Baruch of Seret, Hrh"k the Yeshiot Moshe, Hrh"k Rabbi Yehudah’le of Dzikov, Hgh"tz Rabbi Naftali Chaim of Dzikov, and along with them renowned community leaders of Viznitz courtyard – on this first document to establish and set up the Ahavat Yisrael and Orach Chaim neighborhood, for the Viznitz Chassidim, was accomplished by the toiling with purity of the Holy Imrei Chaim zy"a.
The document, giving the power of attorney to Dr. Shimon Lustig lawyer of Tel-Aviv, to request to register this corporation according to the law, appearing before the general guardian and before any other authority to go over every certificate and document required.
The date of the signature on the document is 6th day of January 1948, a month after the historical decision by the United Nations for the establishment of the Jewish State of Israel and the beginning of the War of Independence.
Besides the Holy Rabbis, prominent and famous people signed on the document as follows, Hrh"g and Hrh"ch: R’ Meir Shalom Rosenberg, R’ Yosef Viznitzer, R’ Pinchas David Froediger, R’ Moshe Shrieber-Sofer, R’ Menachem Gutman, R’ Yisrael Michael Yagendorf, R’ Fishel Feldman, R’ Yeshaya Leib Rosner, R’ Asher Brettler, and R’ David Appel, all from the founders and builders of the Holy Viznitz courtyard the pride and beauty of the Heads of the wonderful community.
[1] page. 16X19 cm. Signatures. Light aging stains. Very good condition.