‘Techinah Kol Bechuyot’ – brought from Israel, translated from Hebrew to Yiddish. This copy was at the Russians censor for proofreading, with censor’s registration number. Shapira Brothers Publishing, Zhytomyr, 1854.
Quoted on the sefer: "The Techina was written in Hebrew and translated to Yiddish by the G-d fearing woman Mrs. Hena the daughter of the deceased Rabbi Yehuda zt"l wife of the scholar Rabbi Arye Leib the transcriber of Brody.
"The Techinah was arranged to be said the whole month of Elul as a reminder to repent and merit to life in the world to come, Amen."
14 pages, 9x14cm. Beautiful new leather cover.
Pages 12-13 cropped by the printing of that time, almost no missing lettering. Very good condition – like new.