Sefer Tefilah LeMoshe on Chag HaSuccot by the Holy Rabbi Moshe Eliyukim Beriya son of the Holy Magid of Koznitz, in which are beautiful lectures on the Succot Holiday and the order of Ushpizin for the seven days of the Holiday according to Parda"s….
Also the order of Hakafot for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah with the beautiful and accepted verses and stanzas,
the order and ritual of the reading on Simchat Torah night, which was adapted by the Holy Rabbi the Magid and his son the author zth"ll and as is still customary in their Beit Medrashim .
And for the sake of the regular people added short explanation of the words, collected from the Sidur of the Shl"ah. Lemburg [1866].
39 pages. 17 cm.
No cover. pages separated, and some pages detached, Good condition.