Lessons and innovations from the Gra"ch and his son the Gri"z. Printed during the life of the Gri"z. Printed unofficially, in a stencil machine.
*Chidushei HaGr"ach and HaGri"z, on several tractates of Sha"s and more different topics, collected from listeners. Issued by Yaakov Kohen, Jerusalem, 1954.
The pages of the sefer were typed on a typewriter. Rare copy not found in the International Library.
[1], 20, 27,32, 47 pages, 31 cm.
Damaged spinal binding, condition good – very good.
*Lessons from the Gra"ch. Edition not found in the International Library. [Jerusalem, before 1955].
Lessons from the Gra"ch: Lessons from Moron HaGra"ch HeLevi zt"l on various topics [in Sha"s] [with innovations from his son the Gri"z].
[1], 25, 2 pages, 30 cm.
No cover page, few aging stains, very good condition.
*Innovations [HaGra"ch and ] the Gri"z: Innovations from Moron HaGri"z HaLevi…. On Tractate Zevachim, Minachot, Erechin, Temurah and Nazir. Issued by Yaakov Kohen, Jerusalem, 1955.
280 pages, 31 cm. photocopy from stencil edition, with no pages of annotations from the Gra"ch and with omitted details of innovations from the Gra"ch from the original cover page.
Few light aging stains, very good condition.