
פריט 36:

Pure royalty! Valuable letter from the holy righteous sage Rabbi Shalom Yosef of Sadigura eldest son of the holy illustrious Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhyn, to the administration of Kollel Wahlin for fulfilling his holy father's request.

מחיר פתיחה: $35,000

הערכת מחיר:

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

עמלת בית המכירות: 23%

מע"מ: על העמלה בלבד

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Royalty! Very rare letter, valuable treasure, from the first born son of the illustriousness holy Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhyn, the holy Rabbi Shalom Yosef of Sadigura, who engaged in fulfilling the wishes and words of his holy father Rabbi Yisrael, about the distribution of money from Kollel Wahlin.

Only five letters are known to be signed by the Holy Rabbi Shalom Yosef of Sadigura, and from them some have been preserved to this day.
Letter's background: The holy illustrious Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhyn guaranteed and ordered the holy descendant the Shadar (fundraiser) Rabbi Elazar Moshe Margulius of Keshiniv (Chișinău) – Tiberias, that he will receive every year money from Kollel Walhin. The Holy Rabbi Yisrael passed away before being able to inscribe his wish and request. When Rabbi Elazar Moshe came before the administrators of the Kollel, the eldest son the holy Rabbi Shalom Yosef of Sadigura who succeeded his holy father appointed to assemble a special Beit Din (tribunal), where the assistants and administrators appeared to hear personally from his holy mouth the words of the illustrious Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhyn, according to what his holy son Rabbi Shalom Yosef wrote in this letter, because of the value of every penny of charity of Israel the court must control and investigate clearly and gather testimony.
Only 4 months before the sudden passing of the Holy Rabbi Shalom Yosef of Sadigura, this unique letter, was written on the 9th day of Iyar 1851, sent from Potok Manor, which was the estate of the Holy Rabbi of Ruzhyn,
and is full of emotional longing from the holy Rabbi Shalom Yosef of Sadigura for his holy father still within the first year of his passing. 
The memory of his holy father is brought up four times, his words and righteous engagements. This unique letter also reflects well the pure desires of Rabbi Shalom Yosef to fulfill his father's wishes with perfection for the sake of charity of Israel and shows how meritorious this was by the righteous sages from the royal dynasty. 
The holy Rabbi Shalom Yosef notes, because the holy words of his righteous father are very precious, he personally writes, and reveals the significance and rarity of this letter. 

These are the wordings of the Holy letter in full (full decryption of the letter, except a few lettering are erased, marked with three dots).
כאשר ניגש לפני השד"ר הרב המופלג מו"ה אליעזר מרגליות מקעשניב והראה לי שיש בידו קוויטעל משני אנשים אשר שמעו
מאאמו"ר הרב הצדיק המנוח זלל"ה קודם נלקח מאתנו ארון הקודש….להרב הנ"ל שיהא בידו למשמרת עד עולם אשר יקבל הרב הנ"ל בכל שנה ושנה מעות באסראביע קודם שיתחלק לשלש ארצות החיים…..ושאלתי אחר שהשני אנשים הנ"ל וסיפרו לפני אשר אמת הדבר כי כן
ביקש אאמו"ר הצדיק קודם מותו מחמת גודל הרחמנות שהיו לו על הרב הנ"ל ועכ"ז מחמת צדקת אה"ק שיקר כל פרוטה פקדתי על ב"ד לשאול אותם באם לא יגיד, שאמת הדבר וראה ראיתי המכתב מהב"ד ששאלו כהלכה, יצאתי במכתב זה לשלש ארצות החיים
כאמור כאשר רצון הקודש של אבי הצדיק הי' בזה הניח דרכיו לעד כי צדקתם עומדת עלינו לעד ואין שום אדם בעולם רשות לעורר ח"ו ולשנות מדבריו הקדושים וגדולים צדיקים וכו'….הרב הנ"ל שיהי' להם לזכות עד עולם אשר יקבל בכל שנה ושנה והתחלה יהי' משנה תר"י לפ"ק
ולמען אשר דברי אאמו"ר הצדיק המנוח זללה"ה יקרים בעיני באתי בעצמי עה"ח
דברי האומר שלום לארץ וליושביה וד' ירחם את עמו בשלום ותזכו לראות במהרה בנחמות ציון וירושלים
שלום יוסף במוהר"ר ישראל 
(Words of greetings to the residents and the Land of Israel G-d shall have mercy on his nation with piece and we shall merit to see the comforting of Zion and Jerusalem speedily.   

Shalom Yosef ben Moron Rabbi Yisrael.)

The letter was printed in the sefer 'Igrot Hrh"k M'Ruzhyn U'Banov' – letter 54.

Attached to the letter are supplementary material, letter of Beit Din and authorization of Dayanim confirming the words of the Holy Rabbi of Ruzhyn, and additional background material.
As stated before, there are only five known letter from the holy Rabbi Shalom Yosef of Sadigura, since his holy father did not usually write himself, only sign with his pure and holy signature. One of the 5 letters, was buried together with its owner to be completely protected, the elderly Chassid from Kahana family in the United States, as the Holy Rabbi of Biyan said to comply to the wishes of the deceased who requested so in his will.

26.5×24.5 cm. obvious folding marks, missing from some words.
The letter was written by a professional scribe one of the faithful disciples of the holy Rabbi Shalom Yosef, and personally signed with his pure and holy signature.
Rehabilitated and filled a little in the fold marks. Good condition very rare.