
Lot 4:

Rare collectible item! Miniature 'Tefillin Rabbainu Tam' from the great prodigious Gaon Rabbi Nathan ben Rabbi Moredechai Adler, Chief Rabbi of British Empire.

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Rare collectible item! ‘Tefillin Batim’ (cases) according rulings of ‘Rabbainu Tam’, miniature size, which belonged to the illustrious great Gaon the renowned activist Orthodox Rabbi Nathan [Marcus] Adler, Chief Rabbi of the British Empire.  
Width 1×1 cm only. The inside Parshiot written extremely tiny. It is unknown why the Gaon Rabbi Nathan Adler had such tiny Tefillin.
The small Tefillin cases, are placed in an antique cloth bag wrapped in crumbling paper on which is written: ‘שקית [?] של רבינו תם אדוני אבי מהור"ר נתן בן מהור"ר מרדכי ? תנצב"ה’ "bag [?] of Rabbainu Tam by leader, my father Rabbi Nathan ben Rabbi Mordechai ? תנצב"ה"

Not verified as Kosher. Physical condition is preserved.
The illustrious great Gaon, renowned activist Orthodox Rabbi Nathan Marcus ben Rabbi Mordechai HaKohen Adler [1803-1890], Was a disciple of the disciples of the famous holy Rabbi Nosson Adler of Frankfurt. Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, influential figure for generations in Britain. His first efforts were directed at improving Jewish education in England and in 1855 he established Jews’ College, the British rabbinical seminary. He was largely responsible for the establishment of the United Synagogue in the London area and took great interest in the provincial synagogues. The keynote of his life was an unflinching Orthodoxy and he was an early supporter of Hibbat Zion. Was very close to Sir Moses Montefiore and they worked together to help the Jews in the Diaspora and in Israel. Wrote a standard commentary on Targum Onkelos. He was succeeded in the Chief Rabbinate by his son Rabbi Tzvi [Hermann] who continued his endeavors as well.