
Tiferet 16 - Special Rare Sale






Lot 51:
Sefer 'Reishit Chachma', Zhytomyr 1804. Exclusive copy.
Sefer 'Reishit Chachma', Zhytomyr 1804. Exclusive copy. Sefer 'Reishit Chachma', authored by the Gaon and Mekubal Rabbi Eliyahu de Vidas. Tzvi Hirsch HaKohen Press, Zhytomyr 1804. Personal copy of Rabbi Asher Yechezkal HaLevi Horovitz from the founders of the Chabad settlement in Safed.

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Lot 52:
Important discovery! 'Apai Ravrevei', personal copy of the Holy Gaon Sar HaTorah Rabbi Avraham of Ciechanow, with tens of editing from the depths of Halachah personally hand written by his son the Holy Gaon Rabbi Berish of Biala.
Important discovery! 'Apai Ravrevei', personal copy of the Holy Gaon Sar HaTorah Rabbi Avraham of Ciechanow, with tens of editing from the depths of Halachah personally hand written by his son the Holy Gaon Rabbi Berish of Biala. Very important discovery! Sefer 'Apai Revrevei', Furth 1782. Personal copy of the great and holy Gaon Sar HaTorah Rabbi Avraham of Ciechanów, with his holy personal hand signature and stamps. Includes tens of editing and lengthy notations from the depths of Halacha from his son the Holy Rabbi Dov Berish of Biala, close disciple of the holy righteous Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak of Warka and successor of the holy dynasty.  

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Lot 53:
Sefer 'Halichot Eliyahu' Warsaw, 1903. Personal copy of the Holy Rabbi Yisrael of Husiatyn, eldest of the righteous of the Ruzhyn dynasty.
Sefer 'Halichot Eliyahu' Warsaw, 1903. Personal copy of the Holy Rabbi Yisrael of Husiatyn, eldest of the righteous of the Ruzhyn dynasty. Sefer Halichot Eliyahu' by Rabbi Eliyahu Kalesniker Rav of Smila, Ukraine.

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Lot 54:
Sefer 'Moda'ah VeOnes', by Rabbi Chaim Shabtei, Lemberg, 1798. Personal copy of the holy Rabbi Shlomo of Chortkiv.
Sefer 'Moda'ah VeOnes', by Rabbi Chaim Shabtei, Lemberg, 1798. Personal copy of the holy Rabbi Shlomo of Chortkiv. Sefer 'Moda'ah VeOnes', by Rabbi Chaim Shabtei, with commentary 'Moda'ah Rabah' by Rabbi Yermiya Rav of Matersdorf with innovations from his son Rabbi Yoav Rav of Tzhelim.

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Lot 55:
Sefer 'Orchot Tzaddikim'. Zhovkva, 1838. Personal copy of the Holy Rabbi Meshulam Zusha (Zushya) of Nadvorna.
Sefer 'Orchot Tzaddikim'. Zhovkva, 1838. Personal copy of the Holy Rabbi Meshulam Zusha (Zushya) of Nadvorna. Sefer 'Orchot Tzaddikim'. Zhovkva, 1838. Personal copy of the Holy Rabbi Meshulam Zusha (Zushya) of Nadvorna, great grandson of the Holy Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk. Stamped with his personal stamp. 

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Lot 56:
Sefer 'Ohel Moshe', Part 1. Piotrków, 1908. Copy of the Holy Rabbi Yosef Panet and the Holy Rabbi Yaakov Elimelech Panet of Dej.
Sefer 'Ohel Moshe', Part 1. Piotrków, 1908. Copy of the Holy Rabbi Yosef Panet and the Holy Rabbi Yaakov Elimelech Panet of Dej. Sefer 'Ohel Moshe', innovations on Shas, Shut and Drushim, by Rabbi Moshe [Weinberg] Rav of Wolbrom, Volume 1 with pamphlet 'Heilech Devash', by his father Rabbi Dov Berish [Weinberg]. Mordechai Cederbaum Press, Piotrkow, 1908. 

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Lot 57:
Personal copy with signature of the Holy Rabbi David of Sochaczew. Sefer 'Kehilot Moshe', Volume 3, Mikraot Gedolot Yeshayah-Trei Asar. Amsterdam 1727.
Personal copy with signature of the Holy Rabbi David of Sochaczew. Sefer 'Kehilot Moshe', Volume 3, Mikraot Gedolot Yeshayah-Trei Asar. Amsterdam 1727. 'Mikra Gedola' מקרא גדולה עם כל הפרושים אשר באו בכל הדפוסים ועתה נתוסף קהילה גדולה מחכמים גדולים  (with commentaries that come on all prints and now added a great community of great scholars)

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Lot 58:
Belonged to Moron Sar Shalom of Belz! Seder Zemirot V'Kidush LeShabbat, method of Arizal with Kabbalah annotation from Rabbi Yisrael Saruk.
Belonged to Moron Sar Shalom of Belz! Seder Zemirot V'Kidush LeShabbat, method of Arizal with Kabbalah annotation from Rabbi Yisrael Saruk. Zemirot 'Naim Zemirot Yisrael' method of the Holy Arizal with Kiddush and multiple insertions, with important Kabbalah annotations from the Holy Kabbalist Rabbi Yisrael Saruk disciple of the Holy Arizal, annotations on 'Zemirot HaArizal' explanation according to Kabbala the Holy three Zemirot of the Arizal. Attached to this is 'Muvchar SheBeAvot' annotations on Tractate Avot from the Holy Arizal. Printed about 1830. 

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Lot 59:
Sefer 'Minchat Chinuch' Two volumes, personal beautiful copy of the Holy 'Knesset Mordechai' Rabbi Mordechai Shalom Yosef of Sadigura.
Sefer 'Minchat Chinuch' Two volumes, personal beautiful copy of the Holy 'Knesset Mordechai' Rabbi Mordechai Shalom Yosef of Sadigura. Sefer 'Minchat Chinuch' by the great gaon Rabbi Yosef Babad of Tarnipol, Vilna edition 1924. 

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Lot 60:
Segula! Sefer 'Luchot Eidut', Warsaw about 1900. Personal copy of the Holy Rabbi Yosef Meir of Kerestir, with his personal holy signature and stamp.
Segula! Sefer 'Luchot Eidut', Warsaw about 1900. Personal copy of the Holy Rabbi Yosef Meir of Kerestir, with his personal holy signature and stamp. Sefer 'Luchot Eidut', collection of manuscripts about the controversy about the Kamayes (amulets) of Rabbi Yehonoson Eibshitz. Published by Levine-Epstein brothers Press. Warsaw beginning of 20th century. 

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Lot 61:
The first eulogy printed after the passing of the Holy Moron MaHaRid - Rabbi Yesacher Dov of Belz. 'Milei D'Hespeida', only edition. London 1927.
The first eulogy printed after the passing of the Holy Moron MaHaRid - Rabbi Yesacher Dov of Belz. 'Milei D'Hespeida', only edition. London 1927. 'Milei DeHespeida', first eulogy printed after the passing of the Holy Moron MaHaRid - Rabbi Yesacher Dov of Belz. In the eulogy the author expands emotional the great virtues of the Holy Rabbi MaHaRid of Belz and his divine holiness and greatness in Torah, fear of heaven, and Chassidut, was a Rabbi and leader for all.

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Lot 62:
[2] Sefarim bound together 'Shaar HaTzion' and 'HaAzla Geresh', Sighet and Szécsény, 1926-1928. Personal copy of the sages of Nadvorna and Kretshnif dynasties.
[2] Sefarim bound together 'Shaar HaTzion' and 'HaAzla Geresh', Sighet and Szécsény, 1926-1928. Personal copy of the sages of Nadvorna and Kretshnif dynasties. "הספר הזה שייך לכ"ק אדמו"ר הה"צ מו"ה מרדכי ראזענבוים שליט"א חתן אדמו"ר הקדוש מנאדבורנא פה דעברעצין". 

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Lot 63:
Sefer 'Ya'arot Devash' (2 volumes), sermons of Rabbi Yehonatan Eibeshitz, Sulzbach 1799.
Sefer 'Ya'arot Devash' (2 volumes), sermons of Rabbi Yehonatan Eibeshitz, Sulzbach 1799. Sefer 'Ya'arot Devash', two volumes, sermons and mussar (rebuke) for different times and events and other topics, authored by the famous Gaon Rabbi Yehonatan Eibeshitz. Sulzbach, 1799. 

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Lot 64:
Hand written notations from the 'Shem M'Shimon' on two sefarim 'Devash Lefi' and Tana Dvei Eliyahu'. Lemberg, 1864-1867.
Hand written notations from the 'Shem M'Shimon' on two sefarim 'Devash Lefi' and Tana Dvei Eliyahu'. Lemberg, 1864-1867. Two sefarim bound together, special copy of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Yoel Tzvi Roth author of 'Beit HaYotzer' and his son Rabbi Moshe Shimon Roth author of 'Shem MiShimon'.

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Lot 65:
Special copy! Shu"t Rabbainu Menachem Azariah of Fano. First edition, Vennice 1600. Signatures and editing from great disciples of the Holy Moron the 'Noda BeYehuda'.
Special copy! Shu"t Rabbainu Menachem Azariah of Fano. First edition, Vennice 1600. Signatures and editing from great disciples of the Holy Moron the 'Noda BeYehuda'. Shu"t Rabbainu Menachem Azariah of Fano. First edition, Vennice about 1600's.

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Lot 66:
Sefer Karnayim, personal copy of the 'Saba Kadisha' the Mekubal Rabbi Shlomo Eliezer Alfandari.
Sefer Karnayim, personal copy of the 'Saba Kadisha' the Mekubal Rabbi Shlomo Eliezer Alfandari. Sefer 'Karnayim' by Rabbi Aharon HaZakan of Kardina, with commentary 'Dan Yadin' by Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropoli, with new collections from Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropoli. Rabbi Leib Zusmans Press. Amsterdam, 1765.

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Lot 67:
Sefer 'Eyin Yaakov' on Tractate Nashim, Lemberg 1860. Personal copy of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Greenwald, Rav of Satmar.
Sefer 'Eyin Yaakov' on Tractate Nashim, Lemberg 1860. Personal copy of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Greenwald, Rav of Satmar. Sefer 'Eyin Yaakov' on Tractate Nashim, Lemberg 1860. Personal copy of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Greenwald, Rav of Satmar and from great scholars of Hungary. His signature appears on the title page.

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Lot 68:
Sefer 'Melechet Shamayim' on Hilchot Stam (Laws for the Scribe), authored by Rabbi Yitzchak Dov Bamberger Würzburger Rav. Altona. First edition, 1853. Exclusive copy.
Sefer 'Melechet Shamayim' on Hilchot Stam (Laws for the Scribe), authored by Rabbi Yitzchak Dov Bamberger Würzburger Rav. Altona. First edition, 1853. Exclusive copy. Sefer 'Melechet Shamayim' on Hilchot Stam, authored by Rabbi Yitzchak Dov Bamberger, Abd of Würzburg (city in Germany's Bavaria region), from great leaders of Ashkenazi Jewry, first edition, 1853. (with approbation from the 'Aruch Laner'). 

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Lot 69:
Two Sifrei Rishonim on Shas bound together. Jerusalem, 1887-1888. Personal copy of the German leader of Orthodox Judaism Rabbi Ezriel Hildesheimer.
Two Sifrei Rishonim on Shas bound together. Jerusalem, 1887-1888. Personal copy of the German leader of Orthodox Judaism Rabbi Ezriel Hildesheimer. Two sifrei Rishonim bound together, Jerusalem 1887-1888. 

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Lot 70:
Personal copy from Rabbi Yehoshua Falik Zev Rav of Faltishan (Fălticeni). Tractate Eiruvin, Pesachim, and Rosh HaShana, in one volume. Widow and Brothers Romm Press, Vilna 1897.
Personal copy from Rabbi Yehoshua Falik Zev Rav of Faltishan (Fălticeni). Tractate Eiruvin, Pesachim, and Rosh HaShana, in one volume. Widow and Brothers Romm Press, Vilna 1897. Tractate Eiruvin, Tractate Pesachim, and Tractate Rosh HaShana, with Rashi and Tosefot, Torah Ohr, Eiyin Mishpat V'Ner Mitzva, Mesorot HaShas, notations by Rabbi Yeshaye Pik, alternating nuschaot (wording), innovations of MaRshal, MaRsha, and Maharam. Widow and Brothers Romm Press, Vilna 1879.

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Lot 71:
Personal copy of Rabbi Shaul Ehrenfeld Rav of Szikszó, grandson of Moron the Chatam Sofer. Sefer 'Givat Pinchas' by the Holy 'Hafla'ah'. Lemberg, 1837. First edition.
Personal copy of Rabbi Shaul Ehrenfeld Rav of Szikszó, grandson of Moron the Chatam Sofer. Sefer 'Givat Pinchas' by the Holy 'Hafla'ah'. Lemberg, 1837. First edition. Sefer 'Shut Givat Pinchas, by the Holy 'Hafla'ah' Rabbi Pinchas ben Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch HaLevi Ish Horowitz. Yehuda Leib Balaban Press. First edition. Lemberg 1837. 

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Lot 72:
Tractate 'Zevachim and Menachot'. Chernivtsi (Czerniowce) 1843. Personal copy of the Gaon Rabbi Alter Shapiro Rav of Vikno (Okna) and Chernivtsi (Czerniowce in Bukovina) from the holy descendants of Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz.
Tractate 'Zevachim and Menachot'. Chernivtsi (Czerniowce) 1843. Personal copy of the Gaon Rabbi Alter Shapiro Rav of Vikno (Okna) and Chernivtsi (Czerniowce in Bukovina) from the holy descendants of Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz. Tractate Zevachim from Talmud Bavli with all commentaries like the earlier print, with new additions.

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Lot 73:
Actual hand signature of the Holy Rabbi the 'Taz' the great Gaon Rabbi David HaLevi author of 'Turei Zahav'. On the sefer 'Olot Shabbat' Vennice 1577.
Actual hand signature of the Holy Rabbi the 'Taz' the great Gaon Rabbi David HaLevi author of 'Turei Zahav'. On the sefer 'Olot Shabbat' Vennice 1577. Sefer 'Olat Shabbat', lectures on Torah by Rabbi Yoel Iben Shoev, disciple of the Holy Rashba, printed in Venice 1577.

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Lot 74:
Important collection, commentaries and notations on the whole Medrash Rabah, hand written by the great Gaon Rabbi Pinchas Stein ABD of Török-szent-miklós, author of 'Kinat Pinchas' , disciple of Moron the 'Ketav Sofer'.
Important collection, commentaries and notations on the whole Medrash Rabah, hand written by the great Gaon Rabbi Pinchas Stein ABD of Török-szent-miklós, author of 'Kinat Pinchas' , disciple of Moron the 'Ketav Sofer'. Medrash Raba, Vilna 1887, within hundreds of notations, innovations editing and additions, lengthy and short thorough and comprehensive, important and wonderful personally hand written by the Holy Great Gaon Rabbi Pinchas Stein Rav of Török-szent-miklós (Town in Hungary), author of Shut "Kinat Pinchas' and from pronounced teachers and respondents in his generations. From prominent and great disciples of Moron the 'Ketav Sofer' of Pressburg,  

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Lot 75:
Sefer 'Turei Even', first edition, Metz 1781. Copy of the Holy Rabbi Shimon Deutch from great disciples of Moron the 'Chatam Sofer', with hand written notations.
Sefer 'Turei Even', first edition, Metz 1781. Copy of the Holy Rabbi Shimon Deutch from great disciples of Moron the 'Chatam Sofer', with hand written notations. Sefer 'Turei Even' on Shas, authored by the 'Shaagat Arye' the Holy Rabbi Arye Leib Ginzberg. First edition. Metz (city where author was Rav) 1781. 

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Lot 76:
Unique copy! Sefer 'MahaRam Mintz' - 'Apei Zutrei' Volume 1, from MahaRam Mintz. Prague 1827. First edition of this part. Personal copy of Rabbi Chaim Nosson Dembitzer and Rabbi David Shlomo Margulies.
Unique copy! Sefer 'MahaRam Mintz' - 'Apei Zutrei' Volume 1, from MahaRam Mintz. Prague 1827. First edition of this part. Personal copy of Rabbi Chaim Nosson Dembitzer and Rabbi David Shlomo Margulies. Sefer 'MahaRam Mintz' - 'Apei Zutrei',  Volume 1, collection Shut edited by his son Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Mintz Rav of Tub.

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Lot 77:
Shu"t HaBach. First edition. Frankfurt am Main, 1697.
Shu"t HaBach. First edition. Frankfurt am Main, 1697. She'alot UTeshuvot (Questions and Answers) authored … by the Rabbi of the whole diaspora Rabbi Yoel Sirkis author of the Beit Chadash (Bach). Johann Wovesht Press. Frankfurt am Main 1697. First edition.

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Lot 78:
Sefer 'Netivot Olam' by the Holy Maharal of Prague. Third edition. Józefów 1836.
Sefer 'Netivot Olam' by the Holy Maharal of Prague. Third edition. Józefów 1836. Sefer 'Netivot Olam' by the Holy Maharal of Prague. Third edition. David Sadia Yeshaya Wax Press,

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Lot 79:
Rashi commentary on Torah, with innovations by Rabbi Yisrael Isserlin. Venice 1566.
Rashi commentary on Torah, with innovations by Rabbi Yisrael Isserlin. Venice 1566. Rashi commentary on Torah and five Meggilot. With sources of the verses, along with innovations by Rabbi Yisrael Isserlin at the end of one of the Parshiot. Cristoforo di Zanetti Press. Vennice 1566. 

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Lot 80:
Sefer 'Meil Tzedakah'. First edition. Prague 1756. With signature of the Gaon and Dayan Rabbi Nosson ben Rabbi Meir Shneituch.
Sefer 'Meil Tzedakah'. First edition. Prague 1756. With signature of the Gaon and Dayan Rabbi Nosson ben Rabbi Meir Shneituch. Shut Meil Tzedakah, by the great Gaon Rabbi Yonah Land- Sofer. Yuda and Lipman brothers sons of Moshe Bek Press. Prague 1756. First edition. 

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Lot 81:
First edition! 'Michlol Yofi' on Meggilat Kohelet, hidden and revealed commentaries, by Rabbi Eliyahu Loans Baal Shem. Amsterdam 1695.
First edition! 'Michlol Yofi' on Meggilat Kohelet, hidden and revealed commentaries, by Rabbi Eliyahu Loans Baal Shem. Amsterdam 1695. Sefer 'Michlol Yofi', commentary on Kohelet, hidden and revealed, by the Holy Rabbi Eliyahu Ashkenazi 'Baal Shem' abd and ram of the Worms community, son of Rabbi Moshe Loans. Amsterdam 1695. First edition.

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Lot 82:
Sefer 'Pri Chadash', on Yoreh De'ah by Rabbi Chizkiya di Silva. First edition during the lifetime of the author. Amsterdam 1692.
Sefer 'Pri Chadash', on Yoreh De'ah by Rabbi Chizkiya di Silva. First edition during the lifetime of the author. Amsterdam 1692. Sefer 'Pri Chadash', commentary on part of Yoreh De'ah, from beginning until Hilchot Yayin Nesech (1-222)

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Lot 83:
Sefer 'Tzion L'Nefesh Chaya' (Tzalach) on Tractate Brachot, by the holy Noda BeYehuda - Rabbi Yehezkel Landau. First edition, printed during the authors lifetime! Prague 1791.
Sefer 'Tzion L'Nefesh Chaya' (Tzalach) on Tractate Brachot, by the holy Noda BeYehuda - Rabbi Yehezkel Landau. First edition, printed during the authors lifetime! Prague 1791. Sefer 'Tzion L'Nefesh Chaya' (Tzalach) on Tractate Brachot, by the Rabbi of all the diaspora Rabbi Yechezkel Segal Landau Rav of Prague and author of Shu"t Noda BeYehuda. First edition, printed during the lifetime of the author! Prague 1791.

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Lot 84:
Sefer 'Ketzot HaChoshen', Volume 2. Lemberg 1796. First edition, published during the lifetime of the author.
Sefer 'Ketzot HaChoshen', Volume 2. Lemberg 1796. First edition, published during the lifetime of the author. Sefer 'Ketzot HaChoshen', on Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat, Volume 2, by the Holy Rabbi Arye Leib HaCohen Heller ]ben Rabbi Yosef HaCohen[. Lemberg 1796. First edition.

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Lot 85:
Sefer 'Avnei Miluim', Volume 1-2, by Rabbi Arye Leib HaKohen. First editions. Lemberg 1815. Zhovkva 1825. One of them is the personal copy of Gaon Rabbi Yitzchok Leib Eger.
Sefer 'Avnei Miluim', Volume 1-2, by Rabbi Arye Leib HaKohen. First editions. Lemberg 1815. Zhovkva 1825. One of them is the personal copy of Gaon Rabbi Yitzchok Leib Eger. [2] Volumes of 'Avnei Miluim', Volume 1 and Volume 2, First editions. 

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Lot 86:
Sefer 'Masoret HaMasoret' by Rabbi Eliyahu Bachur Ashkenazi (Elia Levita). First edition, Venice 1538. Personal copy of his grandson Yosef ben Yitzchok, with his editing.
Sefer 'Masoret HaMasoret' by Rabbi Eliyahu Bachur Ashkenazi (Elia Levita). First edition, Venice 1538. Personal copy of his grandson Yosef ben Yitzchok, with his editing. Sefer 'Masoret HaMasoret', by the Grammarian Rabbi Eliyahu ben Asher HaLevi Ashkenazi. First edition. Daniel Bombergi Press, Venice 1538.

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Lot 87:
Receipt (kvitung) from committee 'Chaninat Dalim' of Pressburg from the era of Moron the 'Chatam Sofer'. With wax seal, the following words protruding: "חברת גבאי חנינת דלים". Pressburg , 1833.
Receipt (kvitung) from committee 'Chaninat Dalim' of Pressburg from the era of Moron the 'Chatam Sofer'. With wax seal, the following words protruding: "חברת גבאי חנינת דלים". Pressburg , 1833. Receipt (kvitung) from committee 'Chaninat Dalim' of Pressburg from the era of Moron the 'Chatam Sofer'. With wax seal, the following words protruding: "חברת גבאי חנינת דלים". Pressburg , 1833. 

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Lot 88:
Letter from a disciple of the Chatam Sofer, the Gaon Rabbi Meir Abeles Rav of Kitza, to Rabbi Yosef Deutch. 1864.
Letter from a disciple of the Chatam Sofer, the Gaon Rabbi Meir Abeles Rav of Kitza, to Rabbi Yosef Deutch. 1864. Letter hand written and signed by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Abeles Av Beit Din of Kitza, in which he wishes 'Mazel Tov' to Rabbi Yosef Deutch upon the marriage of his son. 

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Lot 89:
Letter from the famous Rabbi Mendel Katz, court scribe of Pressburg and faithful assistant of the Ketav Sofer, to the well respected R' Kalmen Lieben of Prague. Pressburg 1857.
Letter from the famous Rabbi Mendel Katz, court scribe of Pressburg and faithful assistant of the Ketav Sofer, to the well respected R' Kalmen Lieben of Prague. Pressburg 1857. Important lengthy charity letter from Rabbi Mendel Katz to R' Kalman Lieben, about support for a scholar who is required to pay for medical treatment for his son.

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Lot 90:
Old 'New Year' postcard with portrait of Moron 'Ketav Sofer', Slovakia 1907.
Old 'New Year' postcard with portrait of Moron 'Ketav Sofer', Slovakia 1907. "צורת הרב הגאון העצום שר התורה... מו"ה אברהם שמואל בנימין סופר זצ"ל אב"ד ור"מ בק"ק פרעסבורג יע"א. לשנה טובה תכתבו ותחתמו". (Portrait of the Rav and Gaon 'Sar HaTorah'... Rabbi Avraham Shamuel Binyamin Sofer zt'l abd and ram in the holy community of Pressburg. LeShana Tova Tikateivu V'Teichataimu').

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Lot 91:
Letter from the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalmen Klein Rav of Gava, to Rabbi Pinchas Leibish Weber of Jerusalem. Gava 1912.
Letter from the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalmen Klein Rav of Gava, to Rabbi Pinchas Leibish Weber of Jerusalem. Gava 1912. Hand written letter of Rabbi Shlomo Zalmen Klein Rav of Gavà and its environs, to  Rabbi Pinchas Leibish Weber Rav in Jerusalem, about shidduchim, giving assistance, sending Torah innovations of the Rav of Sulish, request to pray at Holy Sights in Israel, for the well-being and shidduch of his daughter, and more. Gava Nissan 1912. Hungary.

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Lot 92:
Semicha letter (rabbinical ordination) from the Gaon Rabbi Chanoch Heinich Fischer Rav of Makova, 1867.
Semicha letter (rabbinical ordination) from the Gaon Rabbi Chanoch Heinich Fischer Rav of Makova, 1867. Semicha letter (rabbinical ordination) "...מדותיו כנטיעים מגודלים בנעורים בל ימוטו פעמים, לכך אף ידי תכון לקשר צדקתו בקהל עם, ולהרים קרנו בכבוד, לקרוא לו שם לכל דבר שבקדש בשם: החבר רבי משה בן החבר רבי יהודא... פה מאקא ביום ה' כ"ה תשרי תרכ"ח לפ"ק". 

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Lot 93:
Letter from the Holy Rabbi Eliezer Fisch of Mátészalka, to Chevrat Bikur Cholim, about rescue matters at the beginning of the Holocaust era. Budapest 1939.
Letter from the Holy Rabbi Eliezer Fisch of Mátészalka, to Chevrat Bikur Cholim, about rescue matters at the beginning of the Holocaust era. Budapest 1939. Letter from the Holy Admor of Mátészalka Rabbi Eliezer Fisch, son of the Holy Rabbi Chezkiya Fisch of Mátészalka. Dealing with lifesaving, charity and assistance, was sent to Chevrat Bikur Cholim of Budapest at the beginning of World War II, in the end of 1939. 

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Lot 94:
The grand gaon Rabbi Yonasan Steif [1877-1958], was from great Poskim in the United States...
The grand gaon Rabbi Yonasan Steif [1877-1958], was from great Poskim in the United States... The grand gaon Rabbi Yonasan Steif [1877-1958], was from great Poskim in the United States after the WWII. In his youth he learned in the Yeshiva of Pressburg by Moron 'Shevet Sofer', the Gaon Rabbi Simcha Bunim Sofer. In 1912 he was appointed as Dayan in the city of Ungvar Hungary, there he served for 11 years, then he moved to Budapest and served there as Dayan. During this time he authored many sefarim, in which his immense strength and knowledge in all areas of Torah is well recognized, even in areas that are not commonly deliberated by great scholars. He was saved during WWII and arrived to the United States, there he taught Torah in the Yeshivah in Nitra. In 1949 he was selected to serve as Rav in the congregation 'Adat Yeraim' for Vienna immigrants. The great Gaon Rabbi Moshe Feinstein called him 'Gadol Hador', he was also greatly admired by the holy...

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Lot 95:
Dispute of 'Kollel America' and the founding of the Vaad HaKlalli: Collection [3] letters from the Rav of Jerusalem the Gaon Rabbi Shamuel Salant and from the Rav HaKollel Rabbi Yaakov Yosef about establishing 'Kollel America' in Jeruslaem (1896).
Dispute of 'Kollel America' and the founding of the Vaad HaKlalli: Collection [3] letters from the Rav of Jerusalem the Gaon Rabbi Shamuel Salant and from the Rav HaKollel Rabbi Yaakov Yosef about establishing 'Kollel America' in Jeruslaem (1896). [3] letters about the debate of 'Kollel America' in Jeruslaem. 

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Lot 96:
Holy hand written signature of the Holy Rabbi Chaim Shabtai, on a response from his sefer Shut MharChaSh.
Holy hand written signature of the Holy Rabbi Chaim Shabtai, on a response from his sefer Shut MharChaSh. [2] pages connected, size of page 14x21 cm. The end of the Tshuvah (response) 38 from his 'Shut MahRChash'. The answer was written by the scribe of Rabbi Chaim Shabtai, and at the end of the response Rabbi Chaim Shabtai signed him self his holy signature. Attached to this item are certificates from the renowned professionals Rabbi Yitzchak Yeshaya Weis and Rabbi Shimon Schwartz, both certify that this is the signature of the author. To the side of the response is added a hand written notation. 

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Lot 97:
Manuscript, Shir HaShirim, Ruth and Kohelet, with commentaries [Yemen, 1900's?]. Personal copy of Rabbi Yosef son of the Mekubal Rabbi Sa'id Tzefira from Jerusalem.
Manuscript, Shir HaShirim, Ruth and Kohelet, with commentaries [Yemen, 1900's?]. Personal copy of Rabbi Yosef son of the Mekubal Rabbi Sa'id Tzefira from Jerusalem. Manuscript Sefer, Shir HaShirim, Ruth and Kohelet, with Targum and Rashi [Yemen, 1900's?].

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Lot 98:
Kaften (Bekishe) from the elderly sage of the generation the Holy Rabbi Yisrael of Husiatyn, from the Ruzhyn dynasty who toiled tiredly for the rescue of Israel after the Holocaust.
Kaften (Bekishe) from the elderly sage of the generation the Holy Rabbi Yisrael of Husiatyn, from the Ruzhyn dynasty who toiled tiredly for the rescue of Israel after the Holocaust. Holy Kaften (Bekishe) from the inner courtyard of the kings palace! used by the elderly holy sage of the generation Rabbi Yisrael of Husiatyn last grandson of the holy Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhyn.  He was very revered by thousands until this day, his name is mentioned with much respect in all holy courtyards. It is known when the Holy Rabbi Aharon of Belz said the word 'Rabbi' alone he referred to the Rabbi of Husiatyn, and gave him his 'kvitel' as well. It is known his holy work to halt the Nazi's armies in the Western African desert, and from then was the beginning of the Nazi's collapse until their final eradication in Iyar of 1945.

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Lot 99:
Exclusive 20 Shekel bill with holy blessing for abundance of parnasah and siyata dishmaya, written by the giant gaon 'Sar HaTorah' Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky personally added his written blessing and signature.
Exclusive 20 Shekel bill with holy blessing for abundance of parnasah and siyata dishmaya, written by the giant gaon 'Sar HaTorah' Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky personally added his written blessing and signature. Exclusive 20 Shekel bill with holy blessing for abundance of parnasah and siyata dishmaya, written by the giant gaon 'Sar HaTorah' Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky personally added his written blessing and signature.

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Lot 100:
Protection to be saved from an epidemic! Sheet for protection from the holy Moron the Yismach Moshe of újhely. The first one printed, still from the times of the Yeitav Lev. Not found.
Protection to be saved from an epidemic! Sheet for protection from the holy Moron the Yismach Moshe of újhely. The first one printed, still from the times of the Yeitav Lev. Not found. "שמירה למגפה ר"ל בדוק ומנוסה, מהרב הצדיק מוהר"ר משה טייטעלבוים זצלל"הה"

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