
Lot 112:

Rare and wonderous letter handwritten by the Holy Rav Rabbi Sholom of Schotz, in which...

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Rare and wonderous letter handwritten by the Holy Rav Rabbi Sholom of Schotz, in which he shows interest in the leadership of Maran Kedosh Aharon of Belz and his second marriage ‘האם פועלת אצלו שיאכל מה’ and mentions a responsum he received on matters of Agunot by Maran of Belz.

A lengthy letter by the renowned Holy Rav Rabbi Sholom of Schotz, from London, containing most important matters, his actions for supporting religion in the Holy Land [before the establishment of the State]. In his letter he writes to the rabbis of Haifa "to send rabbis to the Kibbutzim to strengthen the Mitzvahs and Tahara there". 

The letter also refers to the Rav of Davri – Rabbi Avraham Engelard, one of the greatest rabbis of Galicia, and important Bobov Chassid and the in-law of the Tzaddikim of the previous generation who was most active for increasing Torah and Tahara. The Holy Rav of Schotz writes that he is the most suitable person to go to the Kibbutzim. The letter also mentions the Gaon Rabbi Henich Padova, the future Rav of London. 

Rabbi Sholom of Schotz send his regards to his friend Rabbi Yehoshua Tzehnvirt and asks to tell him: ברקיע ערבות השי"ת זורע מעשיהם של צדיקים ויצמיח ישועות. The Rav of Schotz also sends his support to the Tzaddik Rav Rabbi Zalman Brizel for several institutions for refugees. 

He notes that he asks not to let anyone know about his support for R. Zalman Brizel since he received many requests from many dignitaries however only Rabbi Zalman is more than a hundred percent trustworthy ‘Since I am not Rothschild…

At the center of the letter, wonderful lines: כעת רצוני לידע האיך מתנהג מרן הק’ מבעלזא שליט"א בזיווגו ימין מקרבת. ואם היא פועלת אצלו שיאכל מה. ומה שלום בריאותו. האם הוטב מעט מראהו. הכל יודיעוני. ויפרוס בשלום כ"ק הה"צ מבילגוריי שליט"א. Then he refers to a response on the matter of the Agunot about which the Holy Gaon Rabbi Mordechai of Bilogray had written him on behalf of his brother the Holy Maran of Belz and the Holy Rav of Schotz notes ‘I have no comfort from his response since the Halacha is what is central for us … and now after his response I do not know what to do of course…"

The letter ends with regards to his grandson the Tzaddik Rav Rabbi Naftali Halberstam of Tshokova and additional members of his family and many blessings for the slavation of the individua and the many. 

The letter is written entirely by his holy hand and with his two signatures. In addition the signature of  his son the Tzaddik Rav Rabbi Yisroel Yaakov. 

[1] official stationery. Written on both its sides. Aging stains. Fold marks. Very good condition.  

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