Teshuvos HaRe’em, first edition, Warsaw 1859. By Rabbi Alexander Sender Margolis the uncle of Maran the gaon Rabbi Ephraim Zalman margolis. With a approbations by Gedolei Torah and Chassidus. The personal copy of Maran the gaon Rabbi Meir Shapiro of Lublin the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin.
Teshuvos HaRe’em, first edition, Warsaw 1859 with approbations by Maranan the Chidushei HaRim of Gur, Rabbi Dov Berish Meislish, Rabbi Yeshaya Muscat and Rabbi Yechiel Michl of Brody. The Sefer contains responsa to all the greatest of Chassidus, the Mevaser tzeddek of Zlotchov and the Be’er mayim Chaim of Chernowitz. Printed by Zvi Yosef bamberger.
The venerated Gaon Rabbi Meir Shapiro Rav of Lublin (1887-1934). Founder of the illustrious Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva, president of Agudas Yisroel of Poland and originator of the idea of learning ‘Daf Hayomi’ of Talmud Bavli. Born in Shotz (Suceava, Romania) to his father Rabbi Yaakov Shimshon, direct descendant of the holy Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz. Recieved his rabbinic and Hora’ah Semicha by his grandfather the ‘Minchas Shai’, the Machazeh Avraham of Brody, Rabbi Meir Arik, and the Maharsham of Berezhany. After serving as Rav in Gliniany, Sanok, Piotrków Trybunalski as well as a parliamentarian to the Polish Sejm as a representative of Agudas Yisroel, he was chosen to serve as the Rav of the ancient and important community of Lublin, where he founded the glorious ‘Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin’. In the first Knessia HaGedolah of Agudas Yisroel, when he was still Rav in Pietrekow, before all the great scholars of the generation and thousands that had gathered, he suggested his great idea of learning the Daf HaYomi. The idea that dominated the whole Jewish world throughout, expanding Torah learning as never before. The Gaon and his wife the rebbetzen did not merit any children, but his legacy of Daf HaYomi and Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin , remain forever and remembered by all.
[2] 67 leaves. 32 cm. Two personal stamps of Maran the Maharam Shapiro and four stamps of the renowned yeshiva ‘Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin’. Slight wear to the first leaves. Stains, especially on the last leaf. Good-very good condition.