The holy straps of Tefillin DeRabbeinu Tam, that were put on by the Rav the author of Yeshu’os Moshe of Vizhnitz and with which he prayed until Elul 2003.
The straps were received from the renowned Chassid the Sofer Stam Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Hass, the personal and loyal scribe of the Tzaddikim of that generation and especially the Tzaddikim of Vizhnitz. These straps were wrapped by the holy Rav and with them he prayed his burning prayer, impregnating them with his renowned pure Avodah and their importance is invaluable.
The Chassid Gabai Rabbi Hershil Katz recalls: not many know the agenda of the Rabbi. The rabbi used to sit down and study at five o’clock in the morning, pray Shacharis at about 9 o’clok and immeditaly after it, used to sit down wrapped in his Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin and study Torah diligently until the time of the prayer of Minchah Gedolah.
The straps are painted raven black on both their sides, as mentioned in the writings of the Ari (Inyan Tefillin Drush 4) and as was the custom of the Yeshu’os Moshe most of his life as leader of the holy community.
Maran the holy Rav the Yeshu’os Moshe of Vizhnitz [1916-2012] one of the greatest Tzaddikim of the generation, the president of Mo’etzes Gedolei haTorah, one of the leaders of the recent generation, the son of the Imrei Chaim and the grandson of the Ahavas Yisroel of Vizhnitz, by whom he was raised. Before the Holocaust, served as Av Beis Din of Vilchovitz and headed his yeshiva in Grosswardein. After the Holocaust, he was appointed by his uncle the Damesek Eliezer as the Rosh Yeshiva of th eVizhnitz Yeshiva in Tel Aviv. He stood by the side of his father the Imrei Chaim in establishing Shikun Vizhnitz and reestablishing the glorious Chassidic court, serving as Av Beis Din of the Shikun. He followed in his forefathers’ footsteps and became a leading leader and Tzaddik of the generation. Was renowned for his exalted Avodah, his pure Shemiras Enayim, his great diligence and sanctity.
[2] straps, one of the straps ‘shel Rosh’ and one ‘shel Yad’. Black on both their sides. Placed with a sticker handwritten by the scribe and proofreader Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Hass. Very good condition.