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Collection of [4] Seforim by Rabbi Yehuda David Eisenstein, "Ba’al HaOtzaros": Otzar Ma’amarei haTanach (New York, 1925), Otzar Masa’os (New York, 1927), Otzar Vikuchim (New York, 1928), Otzar Dinim UMinhagim (New York, 1938).
Collection of [4] "Otzaros" Seforim by Rabbi Yehuda David Eisenstein:
* Otzar Ma’amarei HaTanach. Biblical saying, idioms and expressions. New York, 1925.
[6], 495 pp. 27 cm. Illustrated half-title and two additional title pages: Hebrew and English. At the beginning of the Sefer, enthusiastic reference to the establishment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Worn binding, stains, good condition.
* Otzar Masa’os, collection of descriptions by Jewish passengers, lists of pilgrims to the tombs of forefathers and the sacred with maps. Y.D. Eisenstein Press, New York, 1927. Dozens of diaries and journey letters, from Rabbi Binyomin of Tudela to Mrs. Judith Montefiore, 1165-1839. 352 pp. 27 cm. Illustrated half-title and two additional title pages: Hebrew and English. Worn binding, stains, good condition.
* Otzar Vikuchim, collection of polemic books against Christianity. Two sections in a single volume, with a foreword, comments and indices. [Hebrew Publishing Company Press], New York, 1928.
238 pp. 28 cm. Wear to binding, detached title page, good condition.
* Otzar Dinim UMinhagim, the sources of Halahcos and Ta’amei Mitzvos and Minhagim. Hebrew Publishing Company Press, New York, 1938.
[3], 466, VII-XVI pp. 25 cm. Illustrated half-title indicating the year of printing as 1917 like that of the first edition and two aditional title pages: Hebrew and English. The foreword from 1917 rejoices the downfall of the Russian Tzar during the terrible war in Europe. Blemished binding, stains, good condition.
Rabbi Yehuda David Eisenstein (1854-1956), writer and publisher known as "Ba’al HaOtzaros". Was born in Mezeritch and immigrated to the USA in 1872. Wrote in the Jewish press about Jewish matters in America, Russia and Poland.
In 1883 was appointed the vice president of the community of the large Beis Midrash in New York and in 1897 the head of Kollel America. Subsequent to a business failure, he focused on literary work: writing many entries of the Jewish Encyclopedia, writing yhe "Otzar Yisroel" encyclopedia and the other Seforim of the "Otzaros" series, which became most popular" Otzar Midrashim, Otzar Dinim UMinhagim, Otzar Derashos, Otzar Peirushim VeTziyurim LaHaggadah, Otzar Ma’marei Chazal, Otzar Masa’os, Otzar Zichronotai and Otzar Mussar VeMidos, this in addition to writing additional Sefroim and translating others. His Seforim contributed much to promoting Hebrew literature in North America. He visited Eretz Yisroel in 1899 and 1926, meeting with Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen Kook and Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld.
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