Chidushei Rabbi Akiva Eiger on the Shas. First edition. Published by the author’s son. Berlin, [1858].
Chidushei Rabbi Akiva Eiger, compilation from innovations on tractates Bava Metzi’ah, Gitting, Ketubos and additional compiled innovations. Published by the author’s son, Rabbi Binyomin Wolf Eiger. Corning Press, Berlin, [1858]. First edition.
[2], 28; 15; 26; [1] leaves, 31 cm. The Sefer was edited by Rabbi Binyomin Wolf Eiger’s son-in-law, Rabbi Nachman Goldberg, who added at the end of the Sefer his own innovations on the laws of Edus Krovim.
Refer to Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the
Gaon Rabbi Akiva Eiger.
Renewed binding, stains, fair-good condition.