Collection of documents with signatures of dozens of the rabbis of Jerusalem and its sages, including Gedolei Torah and rashei Yeshivas of all sectors: from Neturei karta to the rabbis of HaMizrachi. Important and rare documents.
Rare letter signed by the leaders of Agudas Yisroel alongside members of Neturei Karta or leaders of HaMizrachi, Rashei Yshivas and Torah sages.
* Letter by the Rabbeinu Chaim Yosef Yeshiva headed by Rabbi Shlomo Gotlieb and signed by all the heads of the Chareidi and religious institutions of Jerusalem including
Rabbi Yechezkel Sarna, Rabbi Meir Rabinowitz, Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Blumenthal, Rabbi Ben Zion Levinson, Rabbi Moshe Glickman, Rabbi Eliezer Sirkis and more. 1949.
* Document by
Beis HaVaad Hakellali DeKollelos HaAshkenazim with a list of donors. ca. 1910.
* Letter of receiving funds from the fund of the Etz Chaim Talmud Torah of Jerusalem. Hand-signed by the rabbis and educators of the institutions, including the famed
Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Aryeh Levin. Tamuz 1946.
* The Ballilius estate. Letter by the members of the Minyan signing that they received money from the estate. Adar 1938.
* Va’ad Kollel Romania, letter to the Chief Rabbinate of Eretz Yisroel. Signed by the
Gaon Rabbi Gershon Lapidos. Kislev, 1945.