Lot 67:
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Letters by the famed Geonim and Sages of London, the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Moshe Schneider and the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Henich Padova Rosh Beis Din of th eUnion of Chareidi Communities.
Three letter:
* Rare letter by the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Moshe Schneider of London, from his youth.
In his letter, he expresses the cry of the yeshiva he had established in Frankfurt am Main in the days before World War II. He writes in 1926 to his friend Rabbi Moshe Kovlantz that he expects to receive signs of life and a donation from him, adding ‘we will be in dire straits if his honor is unable to send us and maybe he could send us food such as cofee, tea and sugar… like he had sent previously‘.
* Letter handwritten by the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Henich Padova. Sent to the Gaon Rabbi Raphael Soloveitchik the son of Maran the Rav of Brisk, dealing with courses of action for the great enterprises of the great Gaon Rabbi Soloveitchik against desecration of graves in the Holy Land.
Rabbi Henich Padova writes: "Fighting G-d’s wars making up the hedge and standing in the breach" and describes the strange method in London where an individual influences only the members of his community and the worshippers of his synagogue. London, 1979.
* Letter handwritten by the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Chanoch Henich Padova with blessings to an enthusiastic activist for a joyful event in his family.
The letter was written on official stationery and sent in 1959.
The renowned great Gaon Rabbi Moshe Leib Schneider [1885-1956] a leading and close disciple of the Chofetz Chaim in Radin. Founded in Germany – in Frankfurt am Main and Memel yeshivas in the spirit and form of the yeshivas of Lithuania. On the eve of World War II, he escaped to London where he established a large yeshiva with many students who became leading rabbis including Gaon Av Beis Din and Rosh Av Beis Din of HaEdah HaChareidis of Jerusalem the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss and the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch.
The great Gaon Rabbi Chanoch Henich Dov Padova [1908-2000] Av Beis Din of the Chareidi communities of London. In important Belzer Rav, Moreh Hora’ah in Jerusalem who was revered by the leading rabbis of the generation. The Rav of Tshebin asked him to head his yeshiva. The holy Rav of Belz greatly appreciated him, sending him halachic questions. Author of Sefer Cheshev HaEfod.
[3] letters. Varied sizes. Very good general condition.
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