
Lot 141:

Lengthy Psak Halacha which has Not printed in any book! Handwritten by Maran the holy...

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Lengthy Psak Halacha which has Not printed in any book! Handwritten by Maran the holy Gaon the Minchas Elazer of Munkatch, who writes and signes his name by the order of his father the holy Gaon the darkei Teshuva, about the eve of Passover on Shabbas, on matters of selling the Chometz and customs of the eve of Passover on Shabbas. Special!

The Psak begins with the words ‘My father the Rav Shalita ordered me to respond and due to the troubles of these days he has been delayed until now – and I will answer … how to behave this year with the sale of the Chometz and writing the deed of sale…’

The letter with the Psak was sent to the rabbinic, beloved Chassid Yehoshua hacohen Moskovich [whose son, the loyal, sention rabbinic Chassid was Rabbi Zvi Pinchas Hacohen Moskovich of Jerusalem, a confidante of the Minchas Eliezer of Munkatch and the Divrei Yoel of Satmar]. 

The letter is written in the official stationery of Maran the holy Gaon the Darkei Teshuva of Munkatch and was sent on the 11th of Nissan 1896 from Munkatch. 

In the letter, he discusses and describes the customs of his father the holy Rav the Darkei Teshuva pertaining to the sale of the Chametz in a year when the eve of Passover is on Shabbas ‘אשר כתב כ"ק א"א הגה"צ שליט"א והבד"צ דפה"ק‘, emphasizing that the sale should be done until Friday noom. He refers to his great grandfather the Shem Shlomo ‘וכן הונהג פה מכ"ק אאזמ"ו הגה"ק זללה"ה זי"ע – בבואו הנה‘. The Minchas Eliezer, in his letter, disagrees with what was printed in Sefer Yitav panim, which permits selling until 3 bezeiger. 

The second part of the halachic letter discusses the custom of eating Kneidlach during Se’udah Shlishis and he rules that it is inappropriate and fruit and meat are preferable. In addition, it is advisable to divide the meal of Sabbath morning into two parts…

The third part of the letter discusses eating kugel of lokshen flour on the morning meal or of crumbled Matzo. He ends his letter with ‘צאו לך בעקבי הצאן’ and adds Dinim and customs of preparing the Simanim on Sabbath eve. 

He ends the halachic letter with  ‘כל זה כתבתי בהחפזי ואין עת עתה להאריך רק כתבתי בקיצור למלאת רצונך ומברכו בברכות קדשו: וחג המצות תחוגו בדיצות חדות ד’ מעוזכם בהכשר ויתרון וכל טוב, ידידך אוהבך דושה"ט

[2] pp. approx. 22 lines per page, 23 cm. Official stationery of the Darkei Teshuva. Written and signed by the Minchas Elazer. Considerable tears along the fold lines. Aging and ink stains. Good condition.