Bechinot Olam, by the Divine Sages and philosopher Rabbi Yedaya Pnini Badrashi, with a commentary by the author of the Tosfot Yom Tov. Warsaw, after 1886.
Sefer Bechinot Olam with Bakashat Hamemin, by Rabbi Yedaya Hapnini known as Badrashi, with a commentary by the author of the Tosfot Yom Tov and the Migdanot Eliezer commentary by Rabbi Eliezer Lisser. V. Tilya Press, Warsaw, after 1886.
49 leaves. Stereotype printing of the 1886 edition. On the inside binding, flyleaf and title page, signature and stamp of Mordechai Bonem Scheps of Lodz. An additional owner’s signature in a foreign language and an owner’s notation and signature of Mordechai Simcha Bonem Hacohen Shatin.
Simple binding, blemished and partly detached. Stains. Good condition.