אש שחורה על גבי אש לבנה – Tractate Nazir of Maran the Holy Gaon Rabbi Yisroel Hopstein, the Maggid of Kozhnitz, with glosses and corrections handwritten by him – Segulah for improving vision – "Di Otiyos Leichten"
Tractate Nazir, Dhyrenfurth 1803.
On leaf 12b, by the Tosfot beginning with " הפילה", there is a gloss of nine words handwritten by Maran the holy Gaon the Maggid of Kozhnitz.
This gloss (in a slightly different version) was printed for the first time at the end of the book Sherit Yisroel (Lublin, 1895), p. 136. There, the printer recalls the source of the gloss, "After some of his many Pilpulei DeOrayta on the Shas were printed in his books of Beit Yisroel,
some glosses handwritten by him were found in his Shas". One of the few glosses that were printed there is this one. In addition to this gloss, there are seven printing errors that were corrected by the Maggid himself in the words of Rashi and the Tosfot [appearing on the following pages: 5a; 53b; 56a (two corrections); 62b; 64b; 65a].
A wonderful tale about the Segulah of Maran the holy Maggid of Kozhnitz’ script is told about the Admor Rabbi Itzikel of Pshevorsk-Antwerp. Several years before his [the holy Rav of Pshevorsk] passing, his vision became impaired and he could read only large letters. Then, he was brought a letter handwritten by the holy Maggid off Kozhnitz. The person who brought the letter began reading it out loud, when the Admor of Pshevorsk told him to give it to him to read and the Admor himself continued to read the letter out loud. One of his grandsons, who was standing beside him, became very excited and shouted: "Look at my grandfather, who cannot see, reading a letter which is almost non-readable due to its small script!" To this, the holy Admor resonded: "
Can’t you see, the letters are illuminated [Di Otiyos Leichten]" (Yalkut Avodat Yisreol, Siftei Tzaddikim edition, p. 257).
The holy Gaon, the Divine Kabbalist, Marran Rabbeinu Yisroel Hopstein – known as the Maggid of Kozhnitz (1733/1737-1815) one of the first and greatest Chassidic rabbis of Poland. Was a renowned Gaon and wonder-worker. Was a disciple of the Maggid of Mezeritch, Rabbi Elimelech of Kizhensk and Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. In 1765 began serving as Maggid Meisharim in Kozhnitz and thousands of Chassidim came to him for advice as well as, Lehavdil, families of the Polish nobility. Was considered the foremost Chassidic leader of Poland and one of the leading Kabbalists of his generation. It is told that in his youth, even before he travelled to his Rav the Maggid of Mezeritch, he managed to study eight hundred Kabbalah books. Some of his Kabbalistic writings were dedicated to a commentary on ancient Kabbalah books and the books of the Maharal of Prague. A large part of his works was copied from glosses he used to write on the margins of the leaves of his books. His most well-known book is the book Avodat Yisroel. About this book, the holy Gaon of Shinova said: "All the books of the disciples of the Ba’al Shem Tov are Kodesh, and Sefer Avodat Yisroel is Kodesh Hakodashim". The Divrei Chaim of Sanz, in his famed approbation for Sefer Avodat Yisroel, wrote about the depth of his innovations: "
I believe that no one in our generation can complete with his wisdom".
Among simple Jews, he was famed for his wonders and blessings and for his prophetic vision, which brought to him Polish nobles and princes, who asked for his blessing.
68 leaves. 36 cm. Good condition. Binding perforations to the inner margins. Moth signs, some of them restored. New leather binding.