
Tiferet 47 - Surplus Auction






Lot 301:
Chidushei Ben Yair on the Shas, by Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Roller Av Beis Din of...
Chidushei Ben Yair on the Shas, by Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Roller Av Beis Din of... Chidushei Ben Yair on the Shas, by Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Roller Av Beis Din of Neamtz. Zvi Hirsch Wohl Press, Chernovich, 1900. First ediiton. 

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Lot 302:
Maginei Shlomo, by the Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Av Beis Din of Krakow. Binyomin Zeev Rubenstein...
Maginei Shlomo, by the Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Av Beis Din of Krakow. Binyomin Zeev Rubenstein... Maginei Shlomo, by the Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Av Beis Din of Krakow. Binyomin Zeev Rubenstein Press, Grosswardein, [1944]. Published in the midst of World War II in Europe. Rare. 

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Lot 303:
Erchei Hasfeikot, I, on Sfeikot and Chazakot in the Shas and Poskim, by Rabbi Moshe...
Erchei Hasfeikot, I, on Sfeikot and Chazakot in the Shas and Poskim, by Rabbi Moshe... Erchei Hasfeikot, I, on Sfeikot and Chazakot in the Shas and Poskim, by Rabbi Moshe Aharon levin. The Press of Sheraga Feibel Graber, Vilna, [1912]. First edition. 

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Lot 304:
Tuv Hachaim, innovations and elucidations on Shulchan Aruch and some tractates, by Rabbi Chaim Tur....
Tuv Hachaim, innovations and elucidations on Shulchan Aruch and some tractates, by Rabbi Chaim Tur.... Tuv Hachaim, innovations and elucidations on Shulchan Aruch and some tractates, by Rabbi Chaim Tur. Hillel Dvorzetz Press, Vilna, 1872. First edition. 

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Lot 305:
Shut Tzemach Tzedek, [3], Even HaEzer, II, first section - Hilchot Gittin and Shemot Gittin,...
Shut Tzemach Tzedek, [3], Even HaEzer, II, first section - Hilchot Gittin and Shemot Gittin,... Shut Tzemach Tzedek, [3], Even HaEzer, II, first section - Hilchot Gittin and Shemot Gittin, bound with the second section - Hilchot Gittin, Yibu, and Chalitzah, by the holy Rav Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch. The Press of S.Y. Fin and A.T. Rosenkrantz, Vilna, 1871. First edition. 

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Lot 306:
Beur Shnei Hamatot: Mateh Naftali and Mateh Halevi, on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah Hilchot Kibud...
Beur Shnei Hamatot: Mateh Naftali and Mateh Halevi, on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah Hilchot Kibud... Beur Shnei Hamatot: Mateh Naftali and Mateh Halevi, on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah Hilchot Kibud Av VaEm [with the text], by Rabbi Naftali Halevi. Dearg Brag Press, Vienna, [1884]. First edition. 

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Lot 307:
Gan Naul, Dinim and Peirukim on the words of the Rishonim, II, by Rabbi Asher...
Gan Naul, Dinim and Peirukim on the words of the Rishonim, II, by Rabbi Asher... Gan Naul, Dinim and Peirukim on the words of the Rishonim, II, by Rabbi Asher Nissan [Levinson]. Hillel Dvorzetz Press, Vilna, 1873. First edition. 

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Lot 308:
Yad Yehuda, [III], on Hilchot Ta'arovot of the Shulchan Aruch [with the text], innovations and...
Yad Yehuda, [III], on Hilchot Ta'arovot of the Shulchan Aruch [with the text], innovations and... Yad Yehuda, [III], on Hilchot Ta'arovot of the Shulchan Aruch [with the text], innovations and elucidations, by Rabbi Yehuda Leibush Landau. Zvi Wohl Press, Chernovich, [1885]. First edition. 

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Lot 309:
Chidushei Galanti, by Rabbi Yedidya Galanti, with Chidushei HaRan on Masecher Shvu'ot and Chidushei HaRitva...
Chidushei Galanti, by Rabbi Yedidya Galanti, with Chidushei HaRan on Masecher Shvu'ot and Chidushei HaRitva... Chidushei Galanti, by Rabbi Yedidya Galanti, with Chidushei HaRan on Masecher Shvu'ot and Chidushei HaRitva on Masechet Bava Metzi'a. Yitzchak Madpis Press, Sudilkov, 1836. 

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Lot 310:
Or Hachaim, on Chamisha Chumshei Torah, by Rabbi Chaim ben Atar. The Press of Gershon...
Or Hachaim, on Chamisha Chumshei Torah, by Rabbi Chaim ben Atar. The Press of Gershon... Or Hachaim, on Chamisha Chumshei Torah, by Rabbi Chaim ben Atar. The Press of Gershon and Pesach Levensohn, Warsaw, 1862. 

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Lot 311:
Birkat Rosh, Halachic innovations on Masechet Berachot, by Rabbi Asher Cohen [Ashkenazi]. Feibel Belchatovsky Press,...
Birkat Rosh, Halachic innovations on Masechet Berachot, by Rabbi Asher Cohen [Ashkenazi]. Feibel Belchatovsky Press,... Birkat Rosh, Halachic innovations on Masechet Berachot, by Rabbi Asher Cohen [Ashkenazi]. Feibel Belchatovsky Press, Piotrkow, 1891. 

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Lot 312:
Notebook with copies of letters and documents of the Mizrachi school in Safed managed by...
Notebook with copies of letters and documents of the Mizrachi school in Safed managed by... Notebook with copies of letters and documents of the Mizrachi school in Safed managed by A. Warner. [1922-1926]. 

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Lot 313:
Divrei Torah on Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat, by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Auerbach. The Press of...
Divrei Torah on Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat, by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Auerbach. The Press of... Divrei Torah on Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat, by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Auerbach. The Press of Epshrim Baumritter, [1881]. First edition. 

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Lot 314:
Maginei Eretz, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, [I], Shabtai Kahn Press, Saucony, [1938]. With a personal...
Maginei Eretz, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, [I], Shabtai Kahn Press, Saucony, [1938]. With a personal... Maginei Eretz, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, [I], Shabtai Kahn Press, Saucony, [1938]. With a personal testimony of a yeshiva student from 1940. 

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Lot 315:
Chidushei Halachot, Maharam Barabi. Alaphin Press, Warsaw, 1885. Second edition. 
Chidushei Halachot, Maharam Barabi. Alaphin Press, Warsaw, 1885. Second edition.  Chidushei Halachot, Maharam Barabi. Alaphin Press, Warsaw, 1885. Second edition. 

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Lot 316:
Binyan Zion, Shut on Dinei Arba'ah Turim and contemporary issues. by Rabbi Yaakov Ettlinger author...
Binyan Zion, Shut on Dinei Arba'ah Turim and contemporary issues. by Rabbi Yaakov Ettlinger author... Binyan Zion, Shut on Dinei Arba'ah Turim and contemporary issues. by Rabbi Yaakov Ettlinger author of the Aruch Laner. The Press of the Bon Brothers, Altona, [1868]. First edition. 

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Lot 317:
Shut Be'er Moshe, I-II: on Yoreh Deah Even HaEzer and Choshen Mishpat, by Tabbi Moshe...
Shut Be'er Moshe, I-II: on Yoreh Deah Even HaEzer and Choshen Mishpat, by Tabbi Moshe... Shut Be'er Moshe, I-II: on Yoreh Deah Even HaEzer and Choshen Mishpat, by Tabbi Moshe Danoshevsky. Fradel Metz Press, Vilna, [1905]. First edition. Two sections in a single volume. 

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Lot 318:
Chidushei haRashba on Masechet Chulin. J. Lebrensohn Press, Warsaw, 1859. 
Chidushei haRashba on Masechet Chulin. J. Lebrensohn Press, Warsaw, 1859.  Chidushei haRashba on Masechet Chulin. J. Lebrensohn Press, Warsaw, 1859. 

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Lot 319:
Kiryas Sefer, collection of letters in Hebrew edited by Mordechai Aharon Ginzburg. Vilna, 1859.
Kiryas Sefer, collection of letters in Hebrew edited by Mordechai Aharon Ginzburg. Vilna, 1859. Kiryas Sefer, collection of letters in Hebrew edited by Mordechai Aharon Ginzburg. Vilna, 1859.

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Lot 320:
Sha'arei Orah, a gate to Kabbalistic wisdom, by Rabbi Yosef Gikatilla. Warsaw, 1883. The personal...
Sha'arei Orah, a gate to Kabbalistic wisdom, by Rabbi Yosef Gikatilla. Warsaw, 1883. The personal... Sha'arei Orah, a gate to Kabbalistic wisdom, by Rabbi Yosef Gikatilla. Warsaw, 1883. The personal copy of the Gaon Rav the Ridbaz. 

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Lot 321:
The Personal Copy of the Admor the Tzaddik Rav of Blendov-Kozhnitz: Shut Pnei Yitzchak. Yaroslav
The Personal Copy of the Admor the Tzaddik Rav of Blendov-Kozhnitz: Shut Pnei Yitzchak. Yaroslav Pedigreed copy of the Admor Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Shapiro of Blendov-Warsaw and Rabbi Chaim Dov of Bardejov: Shut Pnei Yitzchak.Yaroslav, 1905. First ediiton, bound with Chidushei Mahartza by the holy Rav Rabbi Zvi Elimelech of Dinov. Premishla, 1885. 

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Lot 322:
עותק מיוחס! ראשון לציון עמ"ס ברכות לרבינו בעל האור החיים הקדוש, אדעסא, תרכ"ז - 1867.
עותק מיוחס! ראשון לציון עמ"ס ברכות לרבינו בעל האור החיים הקדוש, אדעסא, תרכ"ז - 1867. ראשון לציון עמ"ס ברכות לרבינו בעל האור החיים הקדוש, מהדורה שלישית, אדעסא, תרכ"ז - 1867. העותק האישי של הגה"צ רבי מנחם מענדיל ראבין, חותמתו מופיע בדף השער.

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Lot 323:
Malachei Kodesh, Shir hayichud Livnei Moshe, by Rabbi Moshe ben Rabbi Eliyahu of Lublin. David...
Malachei Kodesh, Shir hayichud Livnei Moshe, by Rabbi Moshe ben Rabbi Eliyahu of Lublin. David... Malachei Kodesh, Shir hayichud Livnei Moshe, by Rabbi Moshe ben Rabbi Eliyahu of Lublin. David Shklover Press, Warsaw, 1839. First edition. 

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Lot 324:
Yichus HaAvot, and the Nevi'im. Tanaim and Amoraim [by Rabbi Uri ben Rabbi Shimon of...
Yichus HaAvot, and the Nevi'im. Tanaim and Amoraim [by Rabbi Uri ben Rabbi Shimon of... Yichus HaAvot, and the Nevi'im. Tanaim and Amoraim [by Rabbi Uri ben Rabbi Shimon of Bila], Yosef Reuven Rom Press, Vilna, 1856. Rare. 

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Lot 325:
Shut Maharshal. Lemberg, 1859. The copy of Rabbi Yehuda Segal Rosner Av Beis Din of...
Shut Maharshal. Lemberg, 1859. The copy of Rabbi Yehuda Segal Rosner Av Beis Din of... Shut Maharshal. Lemberg, 1859. The copy of Rabbi Yehuda Segal Rosner Av Beis Din of Sekelhid. 

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Lot 326:
Shomer Emunim by Rabbi Yosef Irgas, Lviv, 1859. Copy of Yeshivat Chachmei Lublin. 
Shomer Emunim by Rabbi Yosef Irgas, Lviv, 1859. Copy of Yeshivat Chachmei Lublin.  Shomer Emunim by Rabbi Yosef Irgas, Lviv, 1859. Copy of Yeshivat Chachmei Lublin. 

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Lot 327:
Shut Maharan Yoffe. Vilna, 1870. First edition. Pedigreed copy. 
Shut Maharan Yoffe. Vilna, 1870. First edition. Pedigreed copy.  Shut Maharan Yoffe. Vilna, 1870. First edition. Pedigreed copy. 

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Lot 328:
Nefesh Chaya on tractate Bava Metzi'ah. by Rabbi Moshe Bezalel. Warsaw, 1880. First edition. 
Nefesh Chaya on tractate Bava Metzi'ah. by Rabbi Moshe Bezalel. Warsaw, 1880. First edition.  Nefesh Chaya on tractate Bava Metzi'ah. by Rabbi Moshe Bezalel. Warsaw, 1880. First edition. 

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Lot 329:
Sefer Yeshuot Yaakov on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim - Lemberg, 1863 - copy of the...
Sefer Yeshuot Yaakov on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim - Lemberg, 1863 - copy of the... Sefer Yeshuot Yaakov on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim - Lemberg, 1863 - copy of the Admor Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Hager of Bursha-Siget

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Lot 330:
Sefer Urim Vetumim section I - Warsaw, 1882 - copy of the holy Gaon Rabbi...
Sefer Urim Vetumim section I - Warsaw, 1882 - copy of the holy Gaon Rabbi... Sefer Urim Vetumim section I - Warsaw, 1882 - copy of the holy Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Yehoshua Halevi Epstein of Ozharov Av Beis Din of Rakov

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Lot 331:
Signature of Rabbi Shlomo Kvetsh, a leading disciple and successor of Maran the Maharam Benet...
Signature of Rabbi Shlomo Kvetsh, a leading disciple and successor of Maran the Maharam Benet... Signature of Rabbi Shlomo Kvetsh, a leading disciple and successor of Maran the Maharam Benet in Nikolsburg, on the title page of Hilchot Rav Alfas, I. Zalman Madpis Press, Sulzbach, [1762]. 

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Lot 332:
Be'er Avraham, I. Vilna, 1844. First edition. The personal copy of the Rav of Pren,...
Be'er Avraham, I. Vilna, 1844. First edition. The personal copy of the Rav of Pren,... Be'er Avraham, I. Vilna, 1844. First edition. The personal copy of the Rav of Pren, Rabbi Menachem Sheraga Revel. 

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Lot 333:
Sefer Hayashar, by Rabbeinu Tam. The Press of Doctor and Professor Grila, Frankfurt an der...
Sefer Hayashar, by Rabbeinu Tam. The Press of Doctor and Professor Grila, Frankfurt an der... Sefer Hayashar, by Rabbeinu Tam. The Press of Doctor and Professor Grila, Frankfurt an der Oder, [1791]. 

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Lot 334:
Beit Meir on Shulchan Aruch Even haEzer, with Tzla'ot Habayit by the Gaon Rabbi Meir...
Beit Meir on Shulchan Aruch Even haEzer, with Tzla'ot Habayit by the Gaon Rabbi Meir... Beit Meir on Shulchan Aruch Even haEzer, with Tzla'ot Habayit by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Posner. Chaya Grossman Press, lemberg, 1836. 

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Lot 335:
Torat Habayit, by Rabbeinu the Rashba. Prague, (1811). Copy of the famed Chassid Rabbi David...
Torat Habayit, by Rabbeinu the Rashba. Prague, (1811). Copy of the famed Chassid Rabbi David... Torat Habayit, by Rabbeinu the Rashba. Prague, (1811). Copy of the famed Chassid Rabbi David Perkovich. 

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Lot 336:
Yosef Lekach, commentary on Megillat Ester by the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Ashkenazi. Warsaw, 1837. 
Yosef Lekach, commentary on Megillat Ester by the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Ashkenazi. Warsaw, 1837.  Yosef Lekach, commentary on Megillat Ester by the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Ashkenazi. Warsaw, 1837. 

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Lot 337:
Meitiv Safah, Slichot for Elul and Asseret Yemei Teshuvah, translated into German and elucidated. Breslau,...
Meitiv Safah, Slichot for Elul and Asseret Yemei Teshuvah, translated into German and elucidated. Breslau,... Meitiv Safah, Slichot for Elul and Asseret Yemei Teshuvah, translated into German and elucidated. Breslau, [1823]. First edition. 

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Lot 338:
Rimon Gadish, by Rabbi Alexander Segal. Brun, 1788. Single edition. 
Rimon Gadish, by Rabbi Alexander Segal. Brun, 1788. Single edition.  Rimon Gadish, by Rabbi Alexander Segal. Brun, 1788. Single edition. 

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Lot 339:
Yeri'ot Shlomo, I, by Rabbi Shlomo Papenheim. Dhyrenfurth, [1784]. First edition. 
Yeri'ot Shlomo, I, by Rabbi Shlomo Papenheim. Dhyrenfurth, [1784]. First edition.  Yeri'ot Shlomo, I, by Rabbi Shlomo Papenheim. Dhyrenfurth, [1784]. First edition. 

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Lot 340:
Sefer Hora'at Sha'ah, Yishuvim of the Kushiyot of the Gaon the Maharsha, by Rabbi Shlomo...
Sefer Hora'at Sha'ah, Yishuvim of the Kushiyot of the Gaon the Maharsha, by Rabbi Shlomo... Sefer Hora'at Sha'ah, Yishuvim of the Kushiyot of the Gaon the Maharsha, by Rabbi Shlomo ben Rabbi Shmuel of Greiditz and Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac ben Rabbi Heilpron of Wornik. Itzak Spier Press, Berlin, [1765]. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 341:
Darbonei Zahav, on Masechet Shekalim [with the text], by Rabbi Moshe ben Rabbi Feis. The...
Darbonei Zahav, on Masechet Shekalim [with the text], by Rabbi Moshe ben Rabbi Feis. The... Darbonei Zahav, on Masechet Shekalim [with the text], by Rabbi Moshe ben Rabbi Feis. The press of Itzak B.B. Furth, [1785]. First edition. 

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Lot 342:
Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer, with Be'er hagolah and Ba'er Heitev. The press of the brothers...
Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer, with Be'er hagolah and Ba'er Heitev. The press of the brothers... Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer, with Be'er hagolah and Ba'er Heitev. The press of the brothers Yosef and Yaakov Proops Katz, Amsterdam, [1753]. Bound with Seder Gittin and Seder Chalitzah. 

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Lot 343:
Sefer Rabbeinu Bahya ben rabbi Asher, on Chamisha Chumshei Torah. Koretz, [Sudilkov, 1824]. 
Sefer Rabbeinu Bahya ben rabbi Asher, on Chamisha Chumshei Torah. Koretz, [Sudilkov, 1824].  Sefer Rabbeinu Bahya ben rabbi Asher, on Chamisha Chumshei Torah. Koretz, [Sudilkov, 1824]. 

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Lot 344:
Binah LeItim, I-II, Drushim, by Rabbi Azarya Figo, one of the sages of Italy. [Russia-Poland],...
Binah LeItim, I-II, Drushim, by Rabbi Azarya Figo, one of the sages of Italy. [Russia-Poland],... Binah LeItim, I-II, Drushim, by Rabbi Azarya Figo, one of the sages of Italy. [Russia-Poland], [1807]. 

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Lot 345:
Mayim Amukim, Shut by Rabbeinu Eliyahu Mizrachi and by Rabbi Eliyahu ben Chaim. Berlin, [1778]. 
Mayim Amukim, Shut by Rabbeinu Eliyahu Mizrachi and by Rabbi Eliyahu ben Chaim. Berlin, [1778].  Mayim Amukim, Shut by Rabbeinu Eliyahu Mizrachi and by Rabbi Eliyahu ben Chaim. Berlin, [1778]. 

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Lot 346:
Maharsha, Halachic innovations. Yosef Maya Press, Dhyrenfurth, [1806]. 
Maharsha, Halachic innovations. Yosef Maya Press, Dhyrenfurth, [1806].  Maharsha, Halachic innovations. Yosef Maya Press, Dhyrenfurth, [1806]. 

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Lot 347:
Knesset Hagdolah, Choshen Mishpat, by Rabbi Chaim Benvenisti. Furth, [1692]. Second edition. Rare. 
Knesset Hagdolah, Choshen Mishpat, by Rabbi Chaim Benvenisti. Furth, [1692]. Second edition. Rare.  Knesset Hagdolah, Choshen Mishpat, by Rabbi Chaim Benvenisti. Furth, [1692]. Second edition. Rare. 

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Lot 348:
Netivot Olam, Kitzur Sefer Mitzvot Gadol, by Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Galanti. Lviv, [1807]. 
Netivot Olam, Kitzur Sefer Mitzvot Gadol, by Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Galanti. Lviv, [1807].  Netivot Olam, Kitzur Sefer Mitzvot Gadol, by Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Galanti. Lviv, [1807]. 

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Lot 349:
Kiryat Melech Rav, [I], on Seder Hilchot Mishneh Torah, by Rabbi Yehuda navon. Kushta, 1751....
Kiryat Melech Rav, [I], on Seder Hilchot Mishneh Torah, by Rabbi Yehuda navon. Kushta, 1751.... Kiryat Melech Rav, [I], on Seder Hilchot Mishneh Torah, by Rabbi Yehuda navon. Kushta, 1751. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 350:
Tiferet HaKodesh, II, by Rabbi Shlomo ben Rabbi Yisroel of Zholkva. Prague, [1713]. Single edition,...
Tiferet HaKodesh, II, by Rabbi Shlomo ben Rabbi Yisroel of Zholkva. Prague, [1713]. Single edition,... Tiferet HaKodesh, II, by Rabbi Shlomo ben Rabbi Yisroel of Zholkva. Prague, [1713]. Single edition, rare. 

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