
Lot 91:

Letter Handwritten and Signed by the Divrei Shmuel of Slonim

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Letter handwritten and signed by the Admor Rabbi Shmuel Weinberg of Slonim, the author of the Divrei Shmuel – written to the Slonim Chassidim about raising funds for the Slonim Chassidim of Tiberius – Mir, before 1915 – has not been published

In the letter, the Divrei Shmuel tells the Slonim Chassidim about the trips he had planned for the upcoming months for raising funds for Eretz Yisroel. He asks the Chassidim to send "Kabalot" from the Chassidim of Tiberius, since without them, it will be difficult for him to raise the funds. 

The Divrei Shmuel writes: "אם אמרתי אספרה כמו גודל עומס התלאות מלוחץ דוחק פרנסת אנ"ש שיחי’ ומגרעות אשר ניתן לשקלי הקודש א"א לבאר כי רבים הם… ". He then asks the Chassidim: "בכל עת שבת אחים גם יחד יראו נא להזכרם לטובה לישועה ולפרנסה, ובכלל תזכרוני ג"כ לטובה, למען אזכה לעמוד על המשמר לעמוד ולשרת ולעבוד עבודתי ועבודתם בעדם כל הימים לרבות מתוך רוב שמחה".

At the end of the letter, he writes names of Chassidim who need a cure. 

Rabbi Shmuel Weinberg of Slonim, author of the Divrei Shmuel (1859-1916) the grandson and leading disciple of the Yesod HaAvodah of Slonim. Became the leader of his community in 1884.  For most of his life, he dedicated himself to raising funds for the Slonim Chassidim of Tiberius. In 1900, he founded the Or Torah Yeshiva in Tiberius, which was headed by his leading disciple the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Moshe Kliers, Av beis Din of Tiberius, the author of Torat HaAretz. Was on eof the founders of Agudas Yisroel in 1912. 

Folding sheet (2 written pages). 21 cm. Good condition after restoration. A tear at the end of the first page. Stains.