
Tiferet - Auction 51






Lot 51:
Mayim Sha'al by Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Yosef Meyuchas. First Edition. Salonika, 1799
Mayim Sha'al by Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Yosef Meyuchas. First Edition. Salonika, 1799 Mayim Sha'al, on the Shulchan Aruch, with Kuntres Mayim Rishonim on the Shas, the Rambam and Shut, by Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Yosef Meyuchas. The press of Chaim Avraham ben Rabbi Shabtai and Sadi ben Rabbi Yehdua Halevi, Salonika, 1799. First Edition. Pedigreed copy. 

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Lot 52:
Neharot Damesek - Ben Meshek - Shut HaGeonim. First Edition, Salonika, 1802
Neharot Damesek - Ben Meshek - Shut HaGeonim. First Edition, Salonika, 1802 [3] books printed together: Sefer Neharot Damesek and Sefer Ben Meshek, by Rabbi Shlomo Kamondo and Shut HaGeonim. The pRess of Yosef Molcho, Avraham Nechama and Sadi Halevi Ashkenazi, Salonika, [1802]. First edition. 

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Lot 53:
Aseifat Geonim. First Edition. 1806. Rare Book.
Aseifat Geonim. First Edition. 1806. Rare Book. Aseifat Geonim, work by ancient Geonim. [Bialystik], [1806]. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 54:
Shorshei Hayam. First Edition. Salonika, 1806. Rare
Shorshei Hayam. First Edition. Salonika, 1806. Rare Sefer Shorshei Hayam, on the rambam, [I], by Rabbi Yitzchak Mayo. Salonika, [1806]. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 55:
Chidushei Mahari Migas. Lviv, 1809
Chidushei Mahari Migas. Lviv, 1809 Sefer Chidushei Bava by Rabbeinu Yosef Migas (Sefer Shitah Mekubetzet) - Lviv, 1809 - ancient dedication with red, square lettering. 

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Lot 56:
Rare! Tal Orot. Frankfurt an der Oder, 1811
Rare! Tal Orot. Frankfurt an der Oder, 1811 Tal Orot, Drushim and Melitzot by the Moharil Margolis, with innovations by his son, Rabbi Asher Zelig. Frankfurt an der Oder, 1811. Rare. 

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Lot 57:
Magen Avot, including 'Chelek Eloha Mima'al', 'Chelek Shoseinu' and 'Chelek Yaakov' by Rabbeinu the Rashbatz....
Magen Avot, including 'Chelek Eloha Mima'al', 'Chelek Shoseinu' and 'Chelek Yaakov' by Rabbeinu the Rashbatz.... Magen Avot, including 'Chelek Eloha Mima'al', 'Chelek Shoseinu' and 'Chelek Yaakov' by Rabbeinu the Rashbatz. The press of Avraham Yitzchak Castelo and Eliezer Sadon, Livorno, [1785]. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 58:
Mamar Tzva'ot Hashem, sixth Mamar from Sefer Imrot Tehorot by the holy Gaon Rabbeinu Menachem...
Mamar Tzva'ot Hashem, sixth Mamar from Sefer Imrot Tehorot by the holy Gaon Rabbeinu Menachem... Mamar Tzva'ot Hashem, sixth Mamar from Sefer Imrot Tehorot by the holy Gaon Rabbeinu Menachem Azarya. Berditchev, [1814]. Rare. 

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Lot 59:
Heichal Melech on the Rambam. First Edition. Salonika, 1814
Heichal Melech on the Rambam. First Edition. Salonika, 1814 Heichal Melech, innovations on the Rambam's Mishneh Torah, by Rabbi Avraham Leib Aryeh and his son Michael Aryeh. Yosef Molcho Press, Salonika, 1814. First ediiton. Rare. 

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Lot 60:
Mei Naftu'ach, Bialystok 1816-1817, First Edition. Rare. Pedigreed Copy
Mei Naftu'ach, Bialystok 1816-1817, First Edition. Rare. Pedigreed Copy Mei Naftu'ach and Mayim Tehorim, on Seder Taharot, by the Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Leib Halevi Adel. Bialystok [1816-1817], First edition. Rare. Pedigreed Copy.

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Lot 61:
Masechet Yevamot of the Bavli Talmud, the Pedigreed Kopust Press. 1818
Masechet Yevamot of the Bavli Talmud, the Pedigreed Kopust Press. 1818

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Lot 62:
Kohelet Shlomo by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Londan. Dhyrenfurth, 1818
Kohelet Shlomo by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Londan. Dhyrenfurth, 1818 Kohelet Shlomo, Dinim, prayers and customs for the masses, by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Londan. The press of the late Yosef Maya, Dhyrenfurth, [1818]. Rare. 

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Lot 63:
Me'alefet Sapirim, quotes from the holy Zohar on the virtue of the Torah, the Mitzvot,...
Me'alefet Sapirim, quotes from the holy Zohar on the virtue of the Torah, the Mitzvot,... Me'alefet Sapirim, quotes from the holy Zohar on the virtue of the Torah, the Mitzvot, the tzaddikim, Eretz Yisroel, Sabbath, prayer, charity and more. Compiled and edited by Rabbi Shlomo Algazi. The press of Gershon Segal Literis, Zholkva, [1804]. Rare. 

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Lot 64:
Baruch SheAmar [by Rabbi Shimshon ben Rabbi Eliezer]. Minkovich, [1820]. Rare. 
Baruch SheAmar [by Rabbi Shimshon ben Rabbi Eliezer]. Minkovich, [1820]. Rare.  Baruch SheAmar [by Rabbi Shimshon ben Rabbi Eliezer]. Minkovich, [1820]. Rare. 

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Lot 65:
Ein Sheinha Historia, a Yiddish story about Mrs. Sarah Bachur, the daughter of Rabbi Yosef...
Ein Sheinha Historia, a Yiddish story about Mrs. Sarah Bachur, the daughter of Rabbi Yosef... Ein Sheinha Historia, a Yiddish story about Mrs. Sarah Bachur, the daughter of Rabbi Yosef Halevi of Constantinople. ca. 1820. Extremely rare. 

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Lot 66:
Givat Shaul. Eulogy for Rabbi Shaul Katznelnoigen. 1825. Single Edition
Givat Shaul. Eulogy for Rabbi Shaul Katznelnoigen. 1825. Single Edition Givat Shaul. Eulogy for the Gaon Rabbi Shaul Katznelnoigen, by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Katznelboigen. The press of the partners from Vilna and Horodna, 1825. Single edition. 

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Lot 67:
Ma'adanei Asher on Hilchot Shabbat and Yom Tov. First Edition, 1837
Ma'adanei Asher on Hilchot Shabbat and Yom Tov. First Edition, 1837 Ma'adanei Asher on Hilchot Shabbat and Yom Tov, by Rabbi Asher Kleinman Av Beis Din of Widze. Chaya Grossman Press, Lemberg 1837. First edition.

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Lot 68:
Sefer Hazikaron, elucidation on Rashi's commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Avraham Bacarrat Halevi, one...
Sefer Hazikaron, elucidation on Rashi's commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Avraham Bacarrat Halevi, one... Sefer Hazikaron, elucidation on Rashi's commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Avraham Bacarrat Halevi, one of the Spanish exiles. With a dedication by the publisher Rabbi Eliezer Ashkenazi. The press of Yerav and Yehuda Shmuel Ashkenazi, Livorno, [1845]. First edition. 

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Lot 69:
Zera Ephraim by Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margolis. First Edition. Lviv, 1853 Derech Hachaim by the Maharal. Lviv, 1856
Zera Ephraim by Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margolis. First Edition. Lviv, 1853 Derech Hachaim by the Maharal. Lviv, 1856 [2] books in a single volume: first edition, Zera Ephraim, by Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margolis of Brod. And Derech hachaim by the Maharal of Prague. Lviv, 1853-1856. 

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Lot 70:
Passover Haggadah with an Ashkenazic Translation. First Edition. Berlin, 1785
Passover Haggadah with an Ashkenazic Translation. First Edition. Berlin, 1785 Passover Haggadah, פארטראג אויף דייא ביידן ערשטן אבנדע פאן פסח, with an Ashkenazic Translation and comments by Yoel Brill. The press of Chevrat Chinuch Ne'arim, Berlin, 1785. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 71:
Ma'aleh Beit Chorin, Passover Haggadah with a Commentary by the Alshich and the Maharal Amsterdam 1810
Ma'aleh Beit Chorin, Passover Haggadah with a Commentary by the Alshich and the Maharal Amsterdam 1810 Ma'aleh Beit Chorin, Passover Haggadah, with a commentary by the Alshich, Gevurot Hashem and Olelot Ephraim and with an Ashkenazic translation and illustrations. The press of the Widow and Son of the Late Yaakov Proops, Amsterdam [1810]. Rare. 

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Lot 72:
Passover Haggadah with Commentaries and Elucidations. Warsaw, 1877 Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Zvi Katz Av Beis Din of Sobasloi
Passover Haggadah with Commentaries and Elucidations. Warsaw, 1877 Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Zvi Katz Av Beis Din of Sobasloi Passover Haggadah with commentaries and elucidations by leading rabbis. Warsaw, 1877. Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Zvi Katz Av Beis Din of Sobasloi.

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Lot 73:
Chukat Hapesach. Livorno, 1853. First Edition. Rare
Chukat Hapesach. Livorno, 1853. First Edition. Rare Chukat Hapesach by Rabbi Yitzchak Tiaeb. Livorno, [1853]. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 74:
Letter by the Great Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Gimpel Yoffe of Różana. 1885
Letter by the Great Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Gimpel Yoffe of Różana. 1885 Letter by the Great Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Gimpel Yoffe of Różana to his son and grandson, on military service exemption and the appointment of rabbis in their hometowns. Różana, 1885.

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Lot 75:
The Great Gaon Rabbi Moshe Shatzkes in a Letter to Maran the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Ozer of Vilna
The Great Gaon Rabbi Moshe Shatzkes in a Letter to Maran the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Ozer of Vilna The great Gaon Rabbi Moshe Shatzkes Gaon Av Beis Din of Lomzha in a letter on supporting a Talmid Chacham, to Maran the great Gaon Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzhinsky of Vilna. 1936. 

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Lot 76:
Letter by the Great Gaon Rabbi Avraham Dober Kahana Shapiro of Kovno
Letter by the Great Gaon Rabbi Avraham Dober Kahana Shapiro of Kovno Letter by the Dvar Avraham of Kovno, the great Gaon Rabbi Avraham Dober Kahana Shapiro, one of the leaders of Lithuanian Jewry before the war. 1937. 

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Lot 77:
Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Levinson the Grandson of Maran the Chofetz Chaim about the Radin Yeshiva
Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Levinson the Grandson of Maran the Chofetz Chaim about the Radin Yeshiva Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Levinson the grandson of Maran the Chofetz Chaim about support and donations to the Radin Yeshiva.

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Lot 78:
Letter by the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Yisroel Yaakov Lubachensky the Mashgiach of the Baranovich Yeshiva
Letter by the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Yisroel Yaakov Lubachensky the Mashgiach of the Baranovich Yeshiva Warm and cordial letter signed by the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Yisroel Yaakov Lubachensky, the Mashgiach of the Baranovich Yeshiva headed by the great Gaon Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman, about a donation to the yeshiva. 1939. 

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Lot 79:
Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Kaplan. 1935
Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Kaplan. 1935 Postcard letter by the Gaon Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Kaplan. 1935. With reference to the Gaon Av Beis Din of Brisk.

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Lot 80:
Kvitel Handwritten by Maran the Chazon Ish
Kvitel Handwritten by Maran the Chazon Ish Kvitel with names for prayer handwritten by Maran the Chazon Ish, written on a Pitka he received with other names for prayer. 

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Lot 81:
Approbation by the Gaon Rabbi Yechiel Michl Feinstein the Son-in-Law of the Rav of Brisk
Approbation by the Gaon Rabbi Yechiel Michl Feinstein the Son-in-Law of the Rav of Brisk Approbation handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Yechiel Michl Feinstein, the head of Kollel Beis Yehuda and the son-in-law of the Rav of Brisk.

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Lot 82:
Letter on Charity by Rabbi Nachum Partzovich
Letter on Charity by Rabbi Nachum Partzovich Letter on charity by the Gaon Rabbi Nachum Partzovich, the Rosh Yeshiva of Mir, for one of the students of the yeshiva. 1979. 

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Lot 83:
Approbation by Maran Rabbi Moshe Feinstein
Approbation by Maran Rabbi Moshe Feinstein Letter of blessing and approbation written by Maran the Posek and Gaon Rabbi Moshe Feinstein on a book elucidating the Tarhum Yonatan ben Uziel. New York, 1979. 

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Lot 84:
Books by the Disciples of HaGra: Rosh hagivah. First Edition Vilna, 1820
Books by the Disciples of HaGra: Rosh hagivah. First Edition Vilna, 1820 Rosh Hagivah by the Maggid Rabbi Pinchas of Plock, a disciple of HaGra of Vilna. First edition. Vilna, [1820]. 

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Lot 85:
Or Same'ach, III, by Rabbi Meir Simcha Hacohen of Dvinsk. Warsaw, 1910. First Edition 
Or Same'ach, III, by Rabbi Meir Simcha Hacohen of Dvinsk. Warsaw, 1910. First Edition  Or Same'ach, III, by Rabbi Meir Simcha Hacohen of Dvinsk. Warsaw, 1910. First Edition 

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Lot 86:
Nehar Shalom. First Edition. Amsterdam, 1775 Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Berlin
Nehar Shalom. First Edition. Amsterdam, 1775 Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Berlin Nehar Shalom, on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, authored by Rabbi Shabtai Ventura. First edition. Amsterdam, 1775. Copy of the great Gaon Rabbi Chaim Berlin, the son of the Natziv of Volozhin. 

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Lot 87:
Shulchan Aruch, Mahadura Tanyana, Ostrohe, 1836 Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Auerbach of Brisk
Shulchan Aruch, Mahadura Tanyana, Ostrohe, 1836 Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Auerbach of Brisk Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim with Sharei teshuvah and Yad Ephraim, section II - Ostrohe, 1836 - copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Auerbach of Brisk-Kuyavsk (the Imrei Binah's brother) with his handwritten signature

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Lot 88:
Olat Chodesh, Rare Chassidic Book. First Edition Copy of the Grandson of HaGra of Vilna
Olat Chodesh, Rare Chassidic Book. First Edition Copy of the Grandson of HaGra of Vilna Olat Chodesh, first edition, Warsaw, 1844. By a disciple of the holy Maggid of Kozhnitz, Rabbi Sinai Sapir. Section I. 

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Lot 89:
Maginei Shlomo, First Edition. Amsterdam, 1715 Pedigreed Copy of Leading Rabbis of Poland
Maginei Shlomo, First Edition. Amsterdam, 1715 Pedigreed Copy of Leading Rabbis of Poland Maginei Shlomo, First edition. Amsterdam, 1715. Pedigreed copy of leading rabbis and Geonim of Poland in the 18th century. 

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Lot 90:
Religious Letter Handwritten and Signed by the Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Rubin Av Beis Din of...
Religious Letter Handwritten and Signed by the Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Rubin Av Beis Din of... Religious Letter Handwritten and Signed by the Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Rubin Av Beis Din of Zamość - Sent to the Grandson of the Pnei Yehoshua, Rabbi Mordechai Zvi Yules Hacohen - Lviv, 18th Century 

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Lot 91:
Shtar Beis Din for an Inheritance - South Germany, 1795
Shtar Beis Din for an Inheritance - South Germany, 1795 Document giving power of attorney to collect an inheritance - "Kohlin in Mekilburg State", the 23rd of Cheshvan, 1795. 

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Lot 92:
Shtar Chalitzah - Kislev, 1796 - Kronheim (Southern Germany) - Signature of the Gaon Rabbi...
Shtar Chalitzah - Kislev, 1796 - Kronheim (Southern Germany) - Signature of the Gaon Rabbi... Shtar Chalitzah - Kislev, 1796 - Kronheim (Southern Germany) - Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Segal Av Beis Din of Kronheim

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Lot 93:
Zohar Ruth - Har Adonai in Ancient Script Stari, 1867
Zohar Ruth - Har Adonai in Ancient Script Stari, 1867 Zohar Ruth, known as Har Adonai, written in ancient script by the Chassid Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Katz of Stari. 1867. 

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Lot 94:
Signature of the Holy Rav the Magalei Tzeddek of Deyzh - in a Foreign Language, 1882
Signature of the Holy Rav the Magalei Tzeddek of Deyzh - in a Foreign Language, 1882 Handwritten signature of the holy Rav Rabbi Menachem Mendel Panet of Deyzh, author of the Magalei Tzeddek - in a Foreign Language on a municipal document. ,

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Lot 95:
Letter Handwritten by the Knesses Yisroel of Deyzh. 1904
Letter Handwritten by the Knesses Yisroel of Deyzh. 1904 Important letter of recommendation handwritten entirely by the holy Rav author of the Knesses Yisroel of Deyzh for one of his leading disciples, 1904. 

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Lot 96:
Letters of Recommendation Handwritten by the Zichron Yaakov of Deyzh
Letters of Recommendation Handwritten by the Zichron Yaakov of Deyzh Two letters of recommendation for rabbis asking to immigrate to the Holy Land, handwritten by the holy Rav the Zichron Yaakov of Deyzh, Rabbi Yaakov Elimelech Panet, and with his handwritten signature. 1935. 

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Lot 97:
Polemic: Fascinating Letter to the Holy Rav Rabbi David Moshe of Chortkov about the Holy Rav the Divrei Shmuel of Slonim
Polemic: Fascinating Letter to the Holy Rav Rabbi David Moshe of Chortkov about the Holy Rav the Divrei Shmuel of Slonim Dispute between Kollelim and Chassidic courts: draft of a letter by the heads of a Kollel Basarabia to Rabbi David Moshe of Chortkov about the "trespassing" of the holy Rav the Divrei Shmuel of Slonim who was collecting "Maot Eretz Yisroel" for the members of Kollel Reisin of Tiberius - ca. 1897. 

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Lot 98:
Postcard of Greetings Handwritten by the Divrei Shmuel of Slonim
Postcard of Greetings Handwritten by the Divrei Shmuel of Slonim Postcard of greetings handwritten by the Admor the holy Rav the Divrei Shmuel of Slonim - to his brother Rabbi Noah Weinberg of Tiberius. 

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Lot 99:
Invitation by the Holy Rav the Divrei Shmuel of Slonim for His Daughter's Wedding. 1894
Invitation by the Holy Rav the Divrei Shmuel of Slonim for His Daughter's Wedding. 1894 Printed invitation by the Adnor the holy Rav the Divrei Shmuel of Slonim for his daughter's marriage to Rabbi Moshe Menachem Zilber of Lublin. Sivan, 1894. 

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Lot 100:
Beit Slonim: Letter Handwritten by the Divrei Shmuel and Innovations by the Beit Avraham
Beit Slonim: Letter Handwritten by the Divrei Shmuel and Innovations by the Beit Avraham Letters by the Admorim of Slonim: letter handwritten by the Divrei Shmuel of Slonim and copying of writings of his son the Beit Avraham, handwritten by one of the Tzaddikim of Slonim with an innovation in the name of the Saba Kaddisha of Ruzhin on the time of prayer. 

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