
Auction #53 - Feb 2






Lot 51:
Deed about the Purchase of Seats in the Synagogue. Ashkenaz Jewry. Sivan, 1784
Deed about the Purchase of Seats in the Synagogue. Ashkenaz Jewry. Sivan, 1784 Deed in Yiddish about the payment of a debt and the purchase of seats in the synagogue - Sivan, 1784. 

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Lot 52:
Early and Important Copying of a Mamar by the Admor Hazaken. Textual Variations Compared to Torah Or
Early and Important Copying of a Mamar by the Admor Hazaken. Textual Variations Compared to Torah Or Manuscript, Mamar Chassidut of Baal Hatanya beginning with "להבין ענין לחם משנה" (understanding the matter of Lechem Mishneh) - early copying of the Mamar from the 18th century - with textual variations compared to the printed version in Sefer Torah Or. 

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Lot 53:
Large Kuntres! Manuscript on Halacha and Chidushei Torah by the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Sheraga Feish Fischman Av Beis Din of Szikszó
Large Kuntres! Manuscript on Halacha and Chidushei Torah by the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Sheraga Feish Fischman Av Beis Din of Szikszó Handwritten Kuntres, Chidushei Sugyos handwritten by the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Sheraga Feish Fischman Av Beis Din of Szikszó and Klausenburg and Maggid Meisharim of Pressburg, author of Or Sheraga - before 1881

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Lot 54:
Letter with Divrei Torah by the Gaon Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer. 1881
Letter with Divrei Torah by the Gaon Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer. 1881 Postcard letter with Divrei Torah by the Gaon Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer - Eisenstadt, 1881. 

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Lot 55:
Condolences Handwritten by Rabbi Yaakov Rosenheim - the Founder of Agudas Yisroel
Condolences Handwritten by Rabbi Yaakov Rosenheim - the Founder of Agudas Yisroel Official calling card of the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Rosenheim, the founder of Agudas Yisroel and its president, with condolences handwritten by him. Ca. 1955. 

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Lot 56:
Letter of Recommendation for Hachnosas Kalah by the Gaon Rabbi Yeshaya First
Letter of Recommendation for Hachnosas Kalah by the Gaon Rabbi Yeshaya First Letter of recommendation for Hachnosas Kalah handwritten and signed by the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Yeshaya First, Av Beis Din of the Adas Yisroel community of Vienna (the leading Rav of the author of Shevet Halevi) - Mattersdorf - Vienna, before 1926

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Lot 57:
Short Letter on a Calling Card by Maran the Da'as Sofer of Pressburg
Short Letter on a Calling Card by Maran the Da'as Sofer of Pressburg Personal calling card of Maran the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Sofer of Pressburg with a short letter of greetings on its verso. From his early days in Eretz Yisroel. 

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Lot 58:
Chidushim on Eizehu Neshech Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Zeev Halevi Lipovitz, a disciple of the Saba of Slabodka
Chidushim on Eizehu Neshech Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Zeev Halevi Lipovitz, a disciple of the Saba of Slabodka Manuscript, Chidushim on Perek Eizehu Neshech handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Zeev Halevi Lipovitz, an important disciple of the Saba of Slabodka, author of the Nachalat Yosef books. 

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Lot 59:
Important Letter Handwritten by Rabbi Eliezer Rabinovich Av Beis Din of Minsk
Important Letter Handwritten by Rabbi Eliezer Rabinovich Av Beis Din of Minsk Letter handwritten and signed by the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Rabinovich, the son-in-law and successor of the Gadol of Minsk, to the Rav of Siemiatycze, on Kashruth matters and with his blessings. 1901. 

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Lot 60:
Halachic Responsa, Not Published, by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Tuvia Melinik Av Beis Din of Voltshin-Lithuania. Ca. 1880
Halachic Responsa, Not Published, by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Tuvia Melinik Av Beis Din of Voltshin-Lithuania. Ca. 1880 Manuscript, two Halachic responses by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Tuvia Melinik Av Beis Din of Voltshin (Lithuania), author of Shut Be'er Chaim and Divrei Chaim, a disciple of Gedolei Hamussar, one of the Geonim of Lithuania - the second response was not published - Vekshna (Lithuania), before 1887

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Lot 61:
Letters by the Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Gimpel Yoffe of Różana and His Son Rabbi Dov Ber. 1858
Letters by the Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Gimpel Yoffe of Różana and His Son Rabbi Dov Ber. 1858 Two letters with interesting content by Rabbi Dov Ber Yoffe of Różana, during the time of his engagement, to his father-in-law, the famed Gvir Rabbi Fischel Lupin - with an addition of four lines handwritten and signed by his father, the famed Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Gimpel Yoffe Av Beis Din of Różana - Różana, Shevat 1858

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Lot 62:
Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Reuven Dessler
Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Reuven Dessler Letter for the Talmud Torah (Bet Talmud) of Kelm (Kelme), Lithuania, handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Reuven Dov Dessler, to the Gaon Rabbi Aryeh Leib Fokter of Amsterdam, 1929. 

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Lot 63:
Letter of Chidushei Torah Handwritten by the Seridei Esh
Letter of Chidushei Torah Handwritten by the Seridei Esh Postcard letter with Chidushei Torah and matters of the moment handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg, author of the Seridei Esh and the Rosh Yeshiva of Montreux, Switzerland. 1953. 

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Lot 64:
Historical: Invitation to the Groundbreaking of the Slabodka Yeshiva
Historical: Invitation to the Groundbreaking of the Slabodka Yeshiva Historical printed invitation to the groundbreaking celebration of the Slabodka Yeshiva. 1947. 

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Lot 65:
Lesson by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Yechezkel Sarna - Handwritten by Him
Lesson by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Yechezkel Sarna - Handwritten by Him Lengthy lesson on the Sugya of Shor Hamezik of Masechet Bava Kama, handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Yechezkel Sarna, the Rosh yeshiva of Hebron Knesses Yisroel, with his Chidushim and Svarot on the Sugya. 

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Lot 66:
Signatures of the Gaon Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer - on Charity Matters in Jerusalem
Signatures of the Gaon Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer - on Charity Matters in Jerusalem

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Lot 67:
Letter of Recommendation on a Calling Card Handwritten by Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin of Lutsk
Letter of Recommendation on a Calling Card Handwritten by Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin of Lutsk Letter of recommendation written by Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin, Gaon Av Beis Din of Lutsk, on verso of his personal calling card. Tel Aviv, 1935. 

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Lot 68:
Leaf with Torah Innovations Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach
Leaf with Torah Innovations Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach Two pages of Chidushei Torah handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Chidushim of Perek Hamafkid. 

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Lot 69:
Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Elazar Menachem Mann Shach for Bringing Our Brothers Closer
Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Elazar Menachem Mann Shach for Bringing Our Brothers Closer Lengthy letter by the Gaon Rabbi Elazar Menachem Mann Shach - Maran the Rosh Yeshiva -  for the Keiruv Rechokim Organization and the importance of the Mitzvah. 1982.

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Lot 70:
Rare Letter by Maran the Kehilot Yaakov the Steipler
Rare Letter by Maran the Kehilot Yaakov the Steipler Rare Letter by Maran the Kehilot Yaakov of Steipla, to the young Gaon Rabbi Chanoch Henich Karlnstein. 1980. 

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Lot 71:
Letter of Approbation by Maran Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky
Letter of Approbation by Maran Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Letter of approbation for a book, with many blessings signed by Maran the Gaon Sar HaTorah Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, with an addition of a line handwritten by him. 

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Lot 72:
Signature of Rabbi David Soloveitchik
Signature of Rabbi David Soloveitchik Receipt signed by the eldest Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Meshulam David Soloveitchik for a donation to the Brisk Yeshiva. 1975.

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Lot 73:
Postcard Letter by the Holy Rav Rabbi Yosef Meir of Spinka - Jerusalem
Postcard Letter by the Holy Rav Rabbi Yosef Meir of Spinka - Jerusalem

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Lot 74:
Calling Card with Lines Handwritten by the Knesses Mordechai of Sadagora
Calling Card with Lines Handwritten by the Knesses Mordechai of Sadagora Personal calling card of the Knesses Mordechai of Sadagora, with lines handwritten by him. USA, 1960.

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Lot 75:
Letter of Condolences by the Rav the Ikvei Abirim of Sadigora
Letter of Condolences by the Rav the Ikvei Abirim of Sadigora Letter of Condolences and blessings signed by the Rav the Ikvei Abirim of Sadigora. 1990. 

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Lot 76:
Invitation to the Wedding of the Only Daughter of the Lev Simcha of Ger
Invitation to the Wedding of the Only Daughter of the Lev Simcha of Ger Printed invitation to the wedding of the only daughter of the Rav the author of the Lev Simcha of Ger in 1955. Jerusalem. 

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Lot 77:
Letter on Charity and Chessed Handwritten by the Birkas Avraham of Slonim
Letter on Charity and Chessed Handwritten by the Birkas Avraham of Slonim

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Lot 78:
Letter of Condolences by the Netivos Sholom of Slonim
Letter of Condolences by the Netivos Sholom of Slonim Letter of condolences to the supporters of the Beis Avraham Yeshiva, by the Rosh Yeshiva and its founder, the Netivos Sholom of Slonim - Jerusalem, 1953. 

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Lot 79:
Letter of Blessings by the Admor Rabbi Avraham of Strikov - Sent to the Admor of Radzin
Letter of Blessings by the Admor Rabbi Avraham of Strikov - Sent to the Admor of Radzin Letter of blessings handwritten by Rabbi Avraham of Strikov, sent to Rabbi Avraham Yissachar of Radzin. 1959. 

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Lot 80:
Letter for the Protection of Kedusha by the Lehavat David of Biala
Letter for the Protection of Kedusha by the Lehavat David of Biala Letter by the Admor the Lehavat David of Biala - Bnei Berak, for the protection of the town and its character, with many blessings and an addition of lines handwritten by him. 

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Lot 81:
Signature of Maran the Imrei Chaim on a Document of Shikun Vizhnitz, Early Years
Signature of Maran the Imrei Chaim on a Document of Shikun Vizhnitz, Early Years Unique historical document! Signature of Maran the Imrei Chaim of Vizhnitz on one of the foundational administrative documents of Shikun Vizhnitz in its early years. Bnei Berak, 1955. 

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Lot 82:
Leaf of References Handwritten by the Yeshu'os Moshe of Vizhnitz The Sugya of 'שמא יעבירנו ד' אמות'
Leaf of References Handwritten by the Yeshu'os Moshe of Vizhnitz The Sugya of 'שמא יעבירנו ד' אמות' Leaf of references handwritten by the Yeshu'os Moshe of Vizhnitz, Pilpulei and Chidushei Torah on the Sugya of 'שמא יעבירנו ד' אמות'.

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Lot 83:
Letter of Blessings Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Yissachar Ber Rotenberg of Vaidislav
Letter of Blessings Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Yissachar Ber Rotenberg of Vaidislav

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Lot 84:
Lengthy Letter with Chidushei Torah Handwritten by Maran the Rosh Av Beis Din of Jerusalem the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch
Lengthy Letter with Chidushei Torah Handwritten by Maran the Rosh Av Beis Din of Jerusalem the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch 'המצפה בכיליון לישועת ד' ! Lengthy letter with Chidushei Torah handwritten by Maran the Rosh Av Beis Din of Jerusalem the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch. 1985. 

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Lot 85:
Sermon Handwritten by Maran the Shevet Halevi
Sermon Handwritten by Maran the Shevet Halevi Outlines of a sermon and ideas handwritten by Posek Hador Maran the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner author of Shevet Halevi Gaon Av Beis Din of Zichron Meir and the Rosh Yeshiva of Chachmei Lublin. Not dated. 

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Lot 86:
Sheet with Chidushei Torah Handwritten by Amud Hahora'ah Baal Shevet Halevi
Sheet with Chidushei Torah Handwritten by Amud Hahora'ah Baal Shevet Halevi Sheet with Chidushei Torah handwritten by Maran Baal Shevet Halevi, the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner Gaon Av Beis Din of Zichron Meir and the Ros Yeshiva of Chachmei Lublin, on Dinei Tumah and Taharah. 

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Lot 87:
Deep and Lengthy Maracha on Menachot Handwritten by Maran the Shevet Halevi
Deep and Lengthy Maracha on Menachot Handwritten by Maran the Shevet Halevi Lengthy sheets handwritten by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner author of Shevet Halevi Gaon Av Beis Din of Zichron Meir and one of the Rashei Yeshivos of the Sugya Deminchas Yachid and Minchas Tzibur. 

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Lot 88:
Zealotry Letter Signed by Rabbi Amram ben Rabbi Yitzchak Shlomo Blau
Zealotry Letter Signed by Rabbi Amram ben Rabbi Yitzchak Shlomo Blau Invitation to a zealotry and protest meeting against Pritzus Hadas in the Holy Land and Jerusalem, signed by the leader of Neturei Karta, Rabbi Amram Blau. Jerusalem, 1959. 

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Lot 89:
Invitation to the Wedding of the Tzaddik Rav of Királyháza - Sent by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar
Invitation to the Wedding of the Tzaddik Rav of Királyháza - Sent by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar Invitation to the wedding of the Tzaddik Rav Rabbi Yoel of Királyháza - sent by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar. 1957. 

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Lot 90:
Collection of Pictures of Maran the Rav of Satmar - Some of Them Rare
Collection of Pictures of Maran the Rav of Satmar - Some of Them Rare Collection of printed pictures - some of them rare - of Maran the Rav author of the Divrei Yosef of Satmar. 

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Lot 91:
Passport Photo of the Rav the Ari Shesha'ag of Zmigrod
Passport Photo of the Rav the Ari Shesha'ag of Zmigrod Passport photo of the Rav the Ari Shesha'ag of Zmigrod. Taken when he lived in Petach Tikvah. 

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Lot 92:
Shyarei Afikoman by the Rav of Tosh, Zekan Tzaddikei Hador
Shyarei Afikoman by the Rav of Tosh, Zekan Tzaddikei Hador מצפון זהב יאתה! - Shyarei Mitzvah prevent Puranut - wonderful and special Segula, a leftover piece of Afikoman by Maran the  Rav Rabbi Meshulam Feisch of Tosh

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Lot 93:
Leaf with Chidushei Torah by the Gaon Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman Adler of Bonyhad
Leaf with Chidushei Torah by the Gaon Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman Adler of Bonyhad Letter on Hilchos Ma'asseh Hakorbanos by the Gaon Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman Adler of Bonyhad Av Beis Din of Baya (the son-in-law of the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Yoel Unger author of Teshuvot Riva) - {aks, 1873

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Lot 94:
Leaf Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Stein Av Beis Din of Tyrnau On Community Matters
Leaf Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Stein Av Beis Din of Tyrnau On Community Matters Leaf handwritten and signed by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Stein Av Beis Din of Tyrnau, author of Shut Hameir and Even Hameir - a leaf of his rabbinate notebook documenting current rabbinic affairs and recalling his appointment as Rav of Tyrnau - Toruk Saint Miklós, 1895-1896. 

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Lot 95:
Important Letter on Arichas Chupah on Sabbath Eve by Rabbi Moshe Shtampper, Dayan of Kaposvár. Some of It not Published
Important Letter on Arichas Chupah on Sabbath Eve by Rabbi Moshe Shtampper, Dayan of Kaposvár. Some of It not Published Letter by Rabbi Moshe Shtampper, Dayan of Kaposvár. Sent to Rabbi Eliyahu Menachem Goitein Av Beis Din of Hedies. Kaposvár, Elul 1875.

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Lot 96:
Letter to a Disciple - Handwritten by Rabbi Meir Stein Av Beis Din of Tyrnau
Letter to a Disciple - Handwritten by Rabbi Meir Stein Av Beis Din of Tyrnau Letter of encouragement and recommendation to a disciple by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Stein Av Beis Din of Tyrnau, author of Shut Hameir and Even Hameir - Törökszentmiklós, Elul 1896

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Lot 97:
Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Leib Shapiro Av Beis Din of Konigsberg and Amsterdam. 1899.
Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Leib Shapiro Av Beis Din of Konigsberg and Amsterdam. 1899. Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Leib Shapiro Av Beis Din of Konigsberg and Amsterdam, to the Gaon Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Hacohen Wolk Av Beis Din of Pinsk. On Gittin matters. 1899.

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Lot 98:
Rabbinic Semicha Given in Kitov
Rabbinic Semicha Given in Kitov Rabbinic Semicha letter by Rabbi Chaim Avraham [...?]  Av Beis Din of Kitov - given to Rabbi Dov Yechiel Mias - Kitov, mid 19th century.

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Lot 99:
Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Menachem Mendel Bodek to the Author of the Lev HaIvri, on the Principles of Emunat Tzaddikim
Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Menachem Mendel Bodek to the Author of the Lev HaIvri, on the Principles of Emunat Tzaddikim Lengthy, fascinating letter handwritten by the Gaon Chassid and Mekubal Rabbi Menachem Mendel Bodek author of Seder Hadorot Hachadash - written to his friend the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger author of the Lev HaIvri - a basic letter on the principles of Emunat Tzaddikim - Lviv, Iyar 1872

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Lot 100:
Letter by Rabbi Sholom Guttman Av Beis Din of Jassy to the Author of the Lev Havri
Letter by Rabbi Sholom Guttman Av Beis Din of Jassy to the Author of the Lev Havri Letter about the purchase and sale of books, on a postcard, by Rabbi Sholom Guttman Av Beis Din of Jassy - written to the ATzaddik gaon Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger - 1880s-1890s

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