Manuscript and mimeograph, collection of [10] notices of prayer times and lists of Piyutim for Yom Kippur. Germany, 1907-1937.
✵ [1] pg. (photocopy?) manuscript pasted on cardboard. “Order of Selichot from the eve of Rosh Hashana to the Eve of Yom Kippur, 1907. 7x25cm.
✵ [1] purple mimeograph sheet “Times of prayer and Selichot for Yom Kippur Eve”, 1910 10x18cm. Psted on thick paper.
✵ [1] page (photocopy?) Manuscript pasted on thick paper: “Prayer times for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur and Selichot for Youm Kippur”. 1919. 7x25cm.
✵ 3 copies of [1] pg. Manuscript, Prayer times and Selichot for Yom Kippur 1936 11x25cm.
✵ 4 copies of [1] pg. manuscript, Prayer times and Selichot for Yom Kippur 1937. 11x25cm. One copy is pasted on cardboard.
Damage and wear on some edges. Stains. Good condition.