Sefer Responsa Ramaz – by Rabbi Moshe Zachut. First edition, Venice 1751. This exemplar includes the page in Latin which is missing from most exemplars.
Responsa from the holy Mekubal Rabbi Moshe Zachut – the Ramaz, with correspondence from the sages of his generation.
The divine Mekubal Rabbi Moshe Zachut (1625–1698), the greatest of Italy’s Mekubalim of the generation. Disciple of the Kabbalistic Gaon Rabbi Binyamin Halevi, the disciple of Rabbi Chaim Vital. From the greatest of the keepers of the knowledge of Kabbalah
The bulk of his teachings on the overt Torah is in this responsum and in his Sefer ‘Kol HaRamaz’ on the Mishna.
Ex libris notations from the period.
[4] 58 pp. moth punctures, some amateurishly restored. Renewed binding. Good condition.