Artistic oil painting, depiction of the holy Rabbi Yisrael of Husyatin during Lulav shaking on Sukkot.
The painting depicts the shining countenance of the Rebbe, Rabbi Yisrael of Husyatin, the elder of the Tzaddikim of Ruzhin and the last of the grandchildren of the Tiferes Yisrael of Ruzhin. In it, he appears to be holding the entire set of minim in his left hand while holding an open Sefer, apparently a Machzor, in his right.
He is wearing the Shtreimel with the high cap, and is wrapped in his Tallis, lowered to his shoulders. He is wearing round glasses.
The frame has a gold engraving “Israel”. Apparently done in Israel, during the first year of the country’s existence, which was also the last year of the Rebbe’s life.
Please see the Hebrew listing for biographical information on the Rebbe of Husyatin.
Picture and farme in good condition. Colors are strong and sharp. Picture is slightly separated from the frame. Slight tear at edge. Some moisture marks on the picture and some crumbling of the cardboard backing. General condition: good.