Phenomenal letter, in the holy handwriting of the shepherd of Israel and leader of the diaspora, Maran the holy Imrei Emes of Ger, on behalf of establishing a Mikveh. 1922.
The letter was sent to his nephew Rabbi Yosef Yoskovitch, who had undertaken to renovate and establish the town Mikveh in Biale, and about which sever issues arose and were discussed by the Rabbonim of Lodz.
Thus writes the Rebbe: ‘You will be doing with this a great thing to assist in completing the Mikveh in Biale, which is extremely needed. Thus writes your uncle and friend, who seeks your peace and wellbeing.’
His holy signature follows.
An interesting anecdote is the fact that the Rebbe notes the year in the heading of the letter, whereas he usually wrote only the Parsha of the week. Here he dates it as ‘Monday, Toldos Yitzchak’ and adds the year.
[1] lined paper. The letter itself is 5 long lines, with an additional 3 lines of heading and signature. Fold marks with slight wear at the fold. Age stains. Dark and strong ink. Later notation on bottom. Good condition.