Parashat Derachim, 26 Drushim, followed by ‘Derech Mitzvoteicha’ on the count of the Mitzvot. By Rabbi Yehuda Rozanis, author of the ‘Mishne Lamelech’. Venice, 1743. Exemplar of important Rabbinical personages.
The sefer had belonged to several known Rabbonim, and also includes long, handwritten glosses.
Rabbi Yaakov Ginsburg of Prague, author of ‘Zera Yaakov’: Ownership notation (cut) at top of title page: “the young Yaakov G”B”, and an additional notation on the last page.
Rabbi Aharon Yosef Shmuel Segal, Av Beis Din of Trentchin: On the title page and the following one signatures: “Yosef Shmuel Segal son of the Gaon R”Y” and “the young Yosef Shmuel Segal”.
Rabbi Caleb Feivel Schlesinger: Signatures on the title page and following one.
Please see the Hebrew listing for biographical information on the various Rabbonim mentioned.
[2] 76 pp. 26cm. Several long, scholarly glosses, from several authors.
Good condition, age stains. Single moth holes. New, luxurious leather binding.