Collection of issues of ‘Kol Machzikei HaDas’, between the years 1909-1912.
These issues deal quite a lot with the establishment of Agudas Yisroel in Poland and the surrounding countries during that time, and its establishment is followed with suspicion mixed with hope, looking to see whether it will turn, like some of the other ideological organizations established at that time, to have Zionist or other political ideology – something the heads of ‘Machzikei HaDas’ were afraid of.
The newsletter ‘Kol Machzikei HaDas’ was established by the Gaon Rabbi Shimon Sofer, the youngest son of Maran the Chasam Sofer, and was supported by the holy Rebbe, Rabbi Yehoshua of Belz, who established the ‘Machzikei HaDas’ movement, which united the orthodox Jews in Galicia, and especially in Lemberg-Levov.
[8] volumes, each [4] printed pp. Fold marks. Brittle, dry pages, crumbling. Fair condition.