
Auction 57 - June 2024






Lot 51:
Single Edition, Rare! Zera Yitzchak, Livorno 1793-94
Single Edition, Rare! Zera Yitzchak, Livorno 1793-94 Three compositions by one of the greatest Rabbis of Aleppo, the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Atiye. Zera Yitzchak – chiddushim on Bereshit and Shemot, Yekara DeChayey, and Pilpelet Kol She’hu.

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Lot 52:
Da’as Kedoshim. Single Edition. Livorno 1809
Da’as Kedoshim. Single Edition. Livorno 1809 Da’as Kedoshim, by the Gaon Rabbi David Hacohen Rappaport. 2 parts Livorno, 1809. Single edition.

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Lot 53:
Netiv Chaim. Livorno 1820. Noble Exemplar.
Netiv Chaim. Livorno 1820. Noble Exemplar. Netiv Chaim, by Rabbi Nesanel Weil, Livorno, 1820, with handwritten dedication.

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Lot 54:
Unknown Edition!
Unknown Edition! Pocket edition, unknown and unregistered! “Keter Malchut” by Rabbi Shlomo Ibn Gabirol.

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Lot 55:
Chumashim With Dutch Translation. Amsterdam, 1842-1871
Chumashim With Dutch Translation. Amsterdam, 1842-1871 Set Chumashim with the Haftoras and prayers for Shabbos, with Piyutim and Krovot (AKA ‘Yotzrot’) for all Shabbosim of the year. Printed with a translation to Dutch by Shmuel Mulder. Amsterdam, 1842-1871.

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Lot 56:
Megillas Esther With Arabic Translation. Livorno 1868. Rare!
Megillas Esther With Arabic Translation. Livorno 1868. Rare! Megillas Esther with Arabic translation by Rabbi Yosef Shabtai Farhi. Livorno, 1868. Rare.

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Lot 57:
Miniature Siddur. Special and Rare. Warsaw, 1884
Miniature Siddur. Special and Rare. Warsaw, 1884 Miniature Siddur for traveling, includes prayers for the whole year. Nusach Sefarad. Warsaw, 1884. Rare.

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Lot 58:
Long Glosses Handwritten by the Holy Gaon, the ‘Greiditzer’ – With His Handwritten Rulings and Customs –
Long Glosses Handwritten by the Holy Gaon, the ‘Greiditzer’ – With His Handwritten Rulings and Customs – Eliya Rabba, Sulzbach, 1757. The exemplar of the Tzaddik 'The Greiditzer' Rabbi Eliyahu Guttmacher, with lengthy glosses handwritten by him. Have never been printed. 

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Lot 59:
Collection Of Songs And Poems - Jerusalem, Ca. 1920
Collection Of Songs And Poems - Jerusalem, Ca. 1920 Printed collection of poems and songs in honor of the groom and bride, for use at weddings in the Sephardic communities in Yerushalayim. Circa 1920.

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Lot 60:
Will From The Me'ah She'arim Neighborhood In Tel Aviv
Will From The Me'ah She'arim Neighborhood In Tel Aviv Will document containing important historical details about the “Me’ah She’arim” neighborhood that existed in Tel Aviv and was later destroyed, 1936.

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Lot 61:
Signature of Rabbi Yitzchak Yerucham Diskin – For the Poor of the Holy City
Signature of Rabbi Yitzchak Yerucham Diskin – For the Poor of the Holy City Printed receipt, signed in the holy hand of the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Yerucham Diskin, son of Maran the Seraph of Brisk, Rabbi Yehushua Leib Diskin, for money received on behalf of Maran the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Salant, Rabbi of Yerushalayim. 1909.

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Lot 62:
Collection of Letters to the General Committee Headed by Rav Kook
Collection of Letters to the General Committee Headed by Rav Kook Collection of [3] circulars, sent to the Rabbis managers of the “Central Committee Knesseth-Israel” headed by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kook, to ratify the decision regarding the way donations from the Rabbi Meir Ba’al Hanes Pushkas would be distributed. US, 1921.

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Lot 63:
Diploma of Permission to Serve as Shochet With Handwritten Affirmation by Rabbi Shmuel Luria of Tzfas, 1917.
Diploma of Permission to Serve as Shochet With Handwritten Affirmation by Rabbi Shmuel Luria of Tzfas, 1917. Diploma of permission to serve as Shochet given by the Shochet Ubodek Rabbi Dov Ber to Rabbi Yeshaya Halevi Horowitz, with an affirmation by the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Luria. Tzfas, 1917.

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Lot 64:
The Dubna Maggid’s Commentary on Chumash. Exemplar of Maran Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund, Ga'avad Yerushalayim.
The Dubna Maggid’s Commentary on Chumash. Exemplar of Maran Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund, Ga'avad Yerushalayim. Ohel Yaakov on the Chumash by the Dubna Maggid. Warsaw, 1874. Signed exemplar with the stamp of Maran the Gaavad of Yerushalayim, Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund, Master of the Holy Land.

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Lot 65:
Extreme Mercy from Heaven! Announcement On Behalf of the Sanctity of Israel Signed by the Badatz of Yerushalayim
Extreme Mercy from Heaven! Announcement On Behalf of the Sanctity of Israel Signed by the Badatz of Yerushalayim Proclamation calling for a day of prayer and outcry, signed by the Geonim and Torah leaders, members of the Badatz of Yerushalayim, headed by Maran the Raavad Rabbi Pinchas Epstein. 1969.

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Lot 66:
Holy Signatures of Three Gaavads of Yerushalayim
Holy Signatures of Three Gaavads of Yerushalayim Signatures of the three shepherds, the future Gaavads of the Beis Din of thee Eidah Charedis. Maran the ‘Minchas Yitzchak’, Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund, and Rabbi Yisrael Moshe Dushinsky. 1974.

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Lot 67:
Chok LeYisrael, 5 Vol. Koretz, 1800-1802
Chok LeYisrael, 5 Vol. Koretz, 1800-1802 Chok LeYisrael, [5] volumes. Koretz, 1800-1802.

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Lot 68:
Likutei Torah – Chernobyl Lemberg, 1867
Likutei Torah – Chernobyl Lemberg, 1867 Sefer LIkutei Torah from Admor, the holy and world-famous Rebbe, holy light, pious and ascetic, crown of Israel, the hidden and shining light… Master of the Diaspora, Rabbi Mordechai, Maggid of Chernobyl. Lemberg, 1867.

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Lot 69:
She'eris Yisroel Vilednik (Velidnyky). Königsberg, 1877
She'eris Yisroel Vilednik (Velidnyky). Königsberg, 1877 Holy Chassidic Sefer! She'eris Yisroel, by the holy Rebbe, Rabbi Ysrael Ber, “The Rabbi of Vilednik (Velidnyky)”. Königsberg, 1877.

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Lot 70:
Likutei Rav Hai Gaon With Ner Yisrael – Kozienice (Koznitz) – Noble Exemplar
Likutei Rav Hai Gaon With Ner Yisrael – Kozienice (Koznitz) – Noble Exemplar Sefer ‘LIkutei Rav Hai Gaon’ with commentary ‘Ner Yisrael’ by the holy Maggid of Koznitz – Lemberg circa 1860 – second edition. Incomplete exemplar.

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Lot 71:
One of the Three Original Seforim of Chassidus – Ben Porat Yosef. Third Edition, Lemberg, 1866
One of the Three Original Seforim of Chassidus – Ben Porat Yosef. Third Edition, Lemberg, 1866 Third edition of the important and fundamental Sefer of Chassidus, one of the three first Sifrei Chassidus to be printed: Ben Porat Yosef by Maran the holy ‘Toldos’. Lemberg, 1866. Includes the letter of the holy Ba’al Shem Tov.

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Lot 72:
Segula Sefer! the Triple Blessing of Long Life, Abundant Income, and Good Children. ‘Pirkei Hane’ezar’, Noble Exemplar. First Edition
Segula Sefer! the Triple Blessing of Long Life, Abundant Income, and Good Children. ‘Pirkei Hane’ezar’, Noble Exemplar. First Edition Important! ‘Pirkei Hane’ezar’, Kabbalistic-based Commentary on Halachot of Shchita and Treifos. Parts 1-2, from the teachings of the ‘Ohr Hameir’ of Zhitomir. First edition, Lublin, 1886. Exemplar of the Tzaddik Rabbi Menachem Nochum of Kantakuzovka.

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Lot 73:
Pitcha Zuta --Munkacz, 1914 – First Edition – Noble Exemplar
Pitcha Zuta --Munkacz, 1914 – First Edition – Noble Exemplar Pitcha Zuta – Munkacz, 1914 – first edition. Exemplar of Rabbi Mordechai Shmuel Basch, brother-in-law of Maran the holy Imrei Yosef of Spinka.

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Lot 74:
Toras Emes, Venice 1626. Exemplar of Rabbi Moshe Chalfan and Rabbi Elazar of Oświęcim
Toras Emes, Venice 1626. Exemplar of Rabbi Moshe Chalfan and Rabbi Elazar of Oświęcim Noble exemplar from noble libraries. Responsa Toras Emes by Rabbi Aharon Sason. Venice, 1626 – first edition.

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Lot 75:
Divrei Chaim. from the Holy Author’s Lifetime. First Edition, Levov, 1875 – 2 Volumes – Preserved Exemplar
Divrei Chaim. from the Holy Author’s Lifetime. First Edition, Levov, 1875 – 2 Volumes – Preserved Exemplar ‘I am the youngest and poorest of Israel, calling my name Chaim, the Rabbi of Tzanz’ – Responsa Divrei Chaim by Maran the holy Rebbe of Tzanz. First edition, printed in his lifetime. Levov, 1875. Both volumes – preserved exemplar!

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Lot 76:
Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De'ah Vol II - Zhytomyr 1859
Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De'ah Vol II - Zhytomyr 1859 Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah vol. II – Zhytomyr, 1859 – long, learned glosses.

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Lot 77:
Chok Leyisrael, 5 Volumes. Shapiro Press in Zhitomer. 1849-1866
Chok Leyisrael, 5 Volumes. Shapiro Press in Zhitomer. 1849-1866 Chok Leyisrael, [5] volumes. Zhitomir, 1849-1865, with two noble exemplars.

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Lot 78:
Be’er Hagola, Zhitomir, 1859. Chiddushim from the Maggid of Kozhnitz.
Be’er Hagola, Zhitomir, 1859. Chiddushim from the Maggid of Kozhnitz. Sefer “Be’er Hagola” by the holy Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Levi son of Rabbi Betzalel, the Maharal of Prague. Aryeh Leib Shapiro Print, Zhitomir, 1859. With Chiddushim in the name of the Maggid of Kozhnitz.

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Lot 79:
The Vayelaket Yosef, Rabbi Yosef Hakohen Schwartz – Postcard In Halacha
The Vayelaket Yosef, Rabbi Yosef Hakohen Schwartz – Postcard In Halacha Handwritten postcard from the Gaon, the Tzaddik Rabbi Yosef HaKohen Schwartz, author of ‘Vayelaket Yosef’ HY”D – Großwardein, 1932.

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Lot 80:
Handwritten Postcard From The Gaon Rabbi Yosef Hakohen Schwartz Author Of ‘Vayelaket Yosef’, HY"D
Handwritten Postcard From The Gaon Rabbi Yosef Hakohen Schwartz Author Of ‘Vayelaket Yosef’, HY"D Handwritten postcard from the Gaon, the Tzaddik Rabbi Yosef HaKohen Schwartz, author of ‘Vayelaket Yosef’ HY”D – Großwardein, 1932.

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Lot 81:
Handwritten Postcard from Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Gerla
Handwritten Postcard from Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Gerla Handwritten postcard from Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Gerla – regarding trade in Seforim.

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Lot 82:
Handwritten Postcard From the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Tigerman Av Beis Din of Tshaba
Handwritten Postcard From the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Tigerman Av Beis Din of Tshaba Handwritten postcard from the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Tigerman, Av Beis Din of Tshaba HYD – sent to the Gaon Rabbi Efrayim Fischel Sofer, Gaon Av Beis Din of Budapest – Tshaba, May, 1934.

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Lot 83:
Hnadwritten Postcard From the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Berger Av Beis Din of Baza
Hnadwritten Postcard From the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Berger Av Beis Din of Baza Handwritten postcard from the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Berger, Av Beis Din of Baza – sent to the researcher R' Shlomo Buber – Baza, 1897.

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Lot 84:
Handwritten Postcard From the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Shmuel Halevi Berger, Dayan in Sziget
Handwritten Postcard From the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Shmuel Halevi Berger, Dayan in Sziget Handwritten postcard from the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Shmuel Halevi Berger, Dayan and Maggin in Sziget – sent to the Gaon Rabbi Alter Shaul Pfeffer, author of Responsa “Avnei Zikaron” – Sziget, 1931.

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Lot 85:
Handwritten Chiddushim. Hungarian Interspersed With Lashon Hakodesh
Handwritten Chiddushim. Hungarian Interspersed With Lashon Hakodesh Manuscript, Hungarian, part of a composition that incorporates Pesukim.

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Lot 86:
Handwritten Postcard from the Yalkut Sofer of Paksh
Handwritten Postcard from the Yalkut Sofer of Paksh Postacrd. Handwritten letter written and signed by the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Leib Sofer, Av Beis Din of Paksh, author of “Yalkut Sofer” – Paksh, late 1905 – blessings for the new year.

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Lot 87:
Handwritten Chiddushim, Discourses, and a Eulogy. Late 18th Century
Handwritten Chiddushim, Discourses, and a Eulogy. Late 18th Century Manuscript. Discourses on the beginning of tractates Kiddushin and Pesachim – late 18th century – Ashkenazic script.

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Lot 88:
Letter of Chiddushei Torah from the Shevet Sofer in His Younger Years
Letter of Chiddushei Torah from the Shevet Sofer in His Younger Years Letter in Torah handwritten by Maran the Gaon the ‘Shevet Sofer’ of Pressburg to the famous Gaon Rabbi Akivah Yosef Schlesinger, author of ‘Lev Ha’Ivri’. From the ‘Shevet Sofer’s younger years, in his father, the ‘Ksav Sofer’s lifetime. Pressburg, 1861.

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Lot 89:
Release For An Aguna Handwritten by the ‘Tchaba Rav’ – Rabbi Shraga Shmuel Schnitzler
Release For An Aguna Handwritten by the ‘Tchaba Rav’ – Rabbi Shraga Shmuel Schnitzler Ruling and a release for an Aguna, handwritten by the Gaon the Tzaddik the “Tchaba Rav”, Rabbi Shraga Shmuel Schnitzler.

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Lot 90:
Handwritten Elucidation on Sugyot of Masechet Chulin. From 1889 - by an Unknown Writer
Handwritten Elucidation on Sugyot of Masechet Chulin. From 1889 - by an Unknown Writer Manuscript, three large pages with Chidushim on Masechet Chulin leaf 9 - 1889

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Lot 91:
Sefer Vayikra, with commentators, Haftarot, Shir Hashirim and Megilas Ester. Berlin, [1705]. Rare. The first...
Sefer Vayikra, with commentators, Haftarot, Shir Hashirim and Megilas Ester. Berlin, [1705]. Rare. The first... Sefer Vayikra, with commentators, Haftarot, Shir Hashirim and Megilas Ester. Berlin, [1705]. Rare. The first edition of the Rashbam's commentary on the Torah. Pedigreed copy that had belonged to a disciple of the Chasam Sofer, Rabbi Feiwel Plaut, Author of Sefer Likutei Chaver ben Chaim .

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Lot 92:
Discovery! Manuscript of the Kabbalistic Gaon, the ‘Yad Yosef’
Discovery! Manuscript of the Kabbalistic Gaon, the ‘Yad Yosef’ Discovery! The holy handwriting of Rabbi Yosef Tzarfati of Adrianople, author of the famous “Yad Yosef” – a Drush for Simcha Torah and Parshat Vezos Habracha, in a different version than that which is printed in the Sefer – Six pages in his holy handwriting – Adrianople (Turkey), early 17th century – pre 1616 – “Rashi” script.

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Lot 93:
Historic! Letters Regarding the Rabbinate of Rabbi David Oppenheim of Nikolsburg and Prague
Historic! Letters Regarding the Rabbinate of Rabbi David Oppenheim of Nikolsburg and Prague Manuscript. Copies of letters from the end of the 17th century dealing with the first Rabbinical position of the famous Gaon Rabbi David Oppenheim, Av Beis Din of Nikolsburg and Prague, author of the Responsa “Nish’al David” – Copies made in late 1800s – valuable information that has not seen the light of day. Copied from the 17th century diary of the Nikolsburg community.

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Lot 94:
Handwritten Liturgies With a Prayer For the Downfall of the Russian Czar. Morocco, 1905
Handwritten Liturgies With a Prayer For the Downfall of the Russian Czar. Morocco, 1905 Manuscript. Pamphlet of Piyutim. Morocco, 1905, with a wish for the downfall of the Russian Czar Nikolai II during the Russia-Japan war.

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Lot 95:
Prayer For Women, in Hebrew and German-Yiddish. Over 200 Years Old
Prayer For Women, in Hebrew and German-Yiddish. Over 200 Years Old Prayers for women, to be said on Shabbos and Holydays, in Hebrew and Yiddish. Germany, 18-19th centuries.

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Lot 96:
Piyutim in Ashkenazic Handwriting. Early Source!
Piyutim in Ashkenazic Handwriting. Early Source! Manuscript with additions to Birkat Hamazon for a Bris, per the customs of German Jews. Germany, circa 19th century.

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Lot 97:
Otzar HaKavod, Kaballah. Pedigreed Exemplar
Otzar HaKavod, Kaballah. Pedigreed Exemplar Sefer Otzar HaKavod, explaining the Agaddos of Chazal based on Kabbala. By Rabeinu Todros Halevi, father of the Ramah – Rabbi Meir Halevi Abulafia. Printed by the partners Rabbi Meir Mayer and Rabbi Yitzchak Hershkowitz, in the printing house of Rabbi Meir Leib Hirsch in Satmar, 1926.

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Lot 98:
The Largest Stone From Mt. Sinai
The Largest Stone From Mt. Sinai Segula for Emuna and protection! Stone from the area of Mt. Sinai in the Sinai desert, Largest stone of this kind available for sale, with a design of the S’neh, known as a Segula for strengthening the faith.

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Lot 99:
Collection Of Issues Of ‘Kol Machzikei Hadas’, 1909–1912
Collection Of Issues Of ‘Kol Machzikei Hadas’, 1909–1912 Collection of issues of ‘Kol Machzikei HaDas’, between the years 1909-1912.

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Lot 100:
Announcement – Eulogy For Rabbi Moshe Blau
Announcement – Eulogy For Rabbi Moshe Blau Large announcement, eulogy on the Shloshim of Rabbi Moshe Blau, head of Agudas Yisroel in Yerushalayim. With an address by the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Kahaneman of Poneviz. Tel-Aviv, 1946.

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