Sefer Pe’er Halacha, by Rabbi Peretz , son of Rabbi Menachem Nachum. Zolkiew, 1738. First edition. Exemplar of Rabbi Moshe Chalfin, father-in-law of the Chiddushei Hari”m and the Saraf of Kotzk.
Pe’er Halacha, Chiddushim on the doctrine of Rabbi Chanina Sgan Hakohanim, with critical Halachot in Shas Bavli and Yerushalmi, and on Rashi and the Tosafot, the Rambam and the Poskim. By Rabbi Peretz son of Rabbi Menachem Nachum (Auerbach). Aharon and Gershon Segal press, Zolkiew, 1738. First edition. Noble exemplar.
With stamps of Rabbi Moshe Chalfin. Also stamp of “the estate of the Gaon and Tzaddik Rabbi David Zusman Stern, son of Rabbi Yosef Stern OBM” (who passed away in 1969).
Please see the Hebrew listing for biographical information on Rabbi Moshe Chalfin.
[2], 84 pp. New binding. Stains and moth holes. Fair condition.