Sefer Kedushas Chelkas Yehoshua on Chumash Devarim, Holidays, and other topics. Exemplar written and signed by the author’s son, Admor Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov of Bialah – Ramat Aharon.
On the flyleaf he writes his blessings:
“Blessing and success, and best health to him and his household and all his descendants, may they live, and you shall bring blessing into your house. He signs his name fully:
“Yitzchak Yaakov, son of my holy father and teacher, the author, Zecher Tzadik Livracha.”
The holy Tzaddik, Admor Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov Rabinovich of Bialah – Ramat Aharon (passed in 2010), the second son of the holy and famous Rebbe, the Chelkas Yehoshua of Bialah and son-in-law of the Admor of Tchechoiv – Haifa. Built his Beis Medrash in Ramat Aharon in Bnei Brak, and many came there to participate in his davening and Tish, especially on the Yartzeit of the Rebbe Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, and to receive his abundant and wonder-working blessings, which he gave with a full and warm heart.
[2] 76 pp. Vol. V of Chelkas Yehoshua. Excellent condition.