Postcard, New Year’s greetings, handwritten by Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Roller, “Father of the Agunot” and Av Beis Din of Târgu Neamţ. 1925.
Addressed to Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg. In opening, Rabbi Roller writes regarding a prayer that came to his mind, and that he is sending him the Sefer, “Be’er Yitzchak”. Further on he blesses him and all the honorable company of the members of his Shul “at the start of the year that they should be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life, the Book of Tzaddikim for life and good…”
The immense Gaon Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Roller (1868-1947), and immense expert on releasing Agunot, author of Responsa Be’er Chaim Mordechai. Chossid of the Tzaddikim of the Bohush and Tchortkow dynasties, as was his father before him. An immense Talmid Chacham before whom nothing was hidden. Sat at the head of important Rabbinical councils and established several regulations for that time and going forth. After WWI he toiled to release many Agunot, and then, after the devastation of European Jewry during WWII toiled again to find Halachically approved succor and release to thousands of women. Passed away on Shabbat, after having called Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik Halevi Herzog late that Friday to provide a solution for an Aguna. To the Rav’s question of why he called so close to Shabbat, he responded “Who knows what the next day will bring…”
Postcard. Some ink smears. Very good condition.