Letter from the Dayanim of Meknes, to the Dayanim of Tafilalt, Rabbi Yaakov Abuḥatzeira, the ‘Abir Yaakov’, and Rabbi Yiḥyeh Iluz. Meknes, 19th century.
Letter signed by Rabbi Yiḥya Alkareif and Rabbi Shmuel Halevi ibn Yuli, regarding delegation (שליחות) by a Get. Addressed to: “The complete wise ones who sit in judgement, the honorable Rabbi Yiḥyeh ben Iluz and the honorable Rabbi Yaakov Abiḥatzira, may Hashem protect them”.
The Divine Kabbalist Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira, the Abir Yaakov (1806-1880), Av Beis Din of Tafilalt, and one of the greatest Rabbis of Morocco. Posek and speaker, poet and scribe, a Tzaddik Yesod Olam, holy and pure, who was renowned as a miracle-worker and as one who merited to see Eliyahu HaNavi regularly. Father of the illustrious Abuḥatzeira family, and grandfather of the holy Baba Sali. Passed away in Egypt, on his way to Eretz Yisrael and was buried there. Authored many Seforim on all subjects of Torah, both revealed and hidden, including ‘Yoru Mishpateicha Le’Yaakov’, ‘Sha’arei Arucha’, ‘Bigdei HaSerad’, ‘Doresh Tov’, ‘Pituchei Chotam’ ‘Yagel Yaakov’ and more.
Rabbi Yiḥye ben Iluz – from the leading sages of Talilalt, mentioned in Responsa “Shufreih De’Yaakov’ (Birdugo, vol. I, Even Ha’Ezer, §69).
[1] p. 20x27cm. Damage, with harm to text. Moth holes. Fold marks. Fair condition.