Letter of blessings, in Yiddish, handwritten by the righteous Rebbetzin Mrs. Freida, the widow of Maran the “Chofetz Chaim” – a blessing for a “Ksiva Vechasima Tova”.
Written on a letterhead of her illustrious husband ZTz”L. Dated 19 Elul, 5693 (Aug. 26, 1937).
The letter was written to the philanthropist R’ Avraham Meyers of New York, one of the leading supporters of Torah in his time, who supported and sustained the household of Maran the “Chofetz Chaim” in his later years, and continued to support the widowed Rebbetzin after the passing of her illustrious husband.
The righteous Rebbetzin Mrs. Miryam Freida Kagan – holy spouse and widow of Maran the Chofetz Chaim. His second wife (married ca. mid 1906, about two years after the passing of his first wife), she was several decades younger than him. (She merited to bear tow children with him, their son Rabbi Aharon and their daughter Rebbetzin Feiga Chaya Sachs, wife of the Gaon Rabbi Menachem Mendel Sachs and mother of the Gaon Rabbi Hillel Sachs). Passed away in the US in 1946.
[1] p. Letterhead. 28cm. fold marks. Good condition.