Sefer Galut Yehuda, by Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh of Modina, Hebrew-Italian dictionary for words from Tanach and Chazal’s sayings. Padua, 1640. Second edition. Rare.
Galut Yehuda, explaining every word that requires a solution from the entire scripture, Bircat Hamazon, the Hagaddah, and Pirkei Avot in the Italianlanguage, by Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh of Modina. Padua, 1640. Second edition. Rare.
[10], 9-43, 46-62, 64-411 (should be 114), [3] pp. Missing 14 pp. at the end.
Renewed binding, incomplete exemplar. Stains. On the last pages, which were restored, damage with harm to text. Fair-good condition.