Three sheets of Drush on various topics, written on both sides in the holy handwriting of Maran the “Ben Ish Chai”, Rabbeinu tosef Chaim of Baghdad.
Maran the ‘Ben Ish Chai’, Rabbeinu Yosef Chaim of Baghdad (1835-1909), light of the diaspora and from the giants of the nation. Author of many significant and deep Seforim. One of the greatest Poskim and Mekubalim of his generation, who was also a leader, speaker, and poet. Fis rulings were accepted and were renowned across the entire diaspora. Disciple of Rabbeinu Abdallah Someḥ, leader of Sephardic Jewry.
[3] sht. [6] written pp. in his holy handwriting. Some words crossed out by him. 12x15cm. Very good condition.