Black Fire on White Fire!
Two large pages written in the holy handwriting of Maran the holy Chassam Sofer – a page from his Chiddushim on tractate Bava Basra – pre 1805
90 lines in the Chassam Sofer’s handwriting. Printed in Chiddushei Chassam Sofer on tractate Bava Basra pg 12 (Jerusalem, ’00).
On the bottom of the second page is written in a later, different handwriting: “Tuesday Va’etchanan, 12 Menachm Av 5674 (Aug. 4, 1914), copied from the holy handwriting on that date, Blessed He who sustained us”.
Famous are the words of the holy Gaon Maharam Benet, that simply looking at the holy handwriting of Maran the Chassam Sofer is a segulah for Yiras Shamayim.
Due to the incredible holiness of the Chassam Sofer’s chiddushim, it has been handed down by many of his disciples that the actual handwritings are an incredible Segula for Yiras shamayim and salvation in all things. The Gedolim of the generations also saw them as a protection against fire.
36.5cm by 23cm. Good condition. Stains. Ink stain. Slight restoration on page edges. Fold mark. Kept in an impressive leather binder.