Sefer Har Hamor and responsa Gedulas Mordechai with Chochmas Shlomo. Vienna, 1861. First edition.
Noble exemplar of the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Fonfeder of Eperjes (Prešov).
On the title page is a signature with his name: “fell to the portion of Eliezer Fonfeder”, and underneath that a note: “Gavriel son of R’ M.”
The Sefer Har Hamor was printed together with Gedulas Mordechai, a responsa of Maharam Banet, as well as Sefer Chochmas Shlomo by his student “the long-honored disciple, the great and renowned Gaon, knowledgeable and sharp, Rabbi Shlomo Kvetch, who followed him in the Rabbinate in Nikolsburg”.
The Sefer includes a special approbation from Maran the Chassam Sofer from 1833 and two approbations from Rabbi Yehuda Asad.
[2] 44 pp. Variant without the page of indices, which is missing in most exemplars. Wear. Stains. Dismantled spie. Damaged cover. Slight damage to text. Fair condition.