Handwritten letter, in the holy handwriting of the holy Mekubal, man of wonders, Rabbi Yechezkiya Fisch of Hodes- Mátészalka – blessings and healing – Iyar, 1939.
Postcard – official letterhead with the holy Rebbe’s name printed above: “Yechezkiya Fisch, son of my father, my master and teacher, the holy Gaon OBM, Av Beis Din of Hodes, here Mátészalka”. The postcard is written in Hebrew on one side and Latin lettering on the other.
The postcard was sent to his disciple, Rabbi Shmuel, son of Fradel (Goldstein), and deals with medical topics. In conclusion, the Rebbe blesses: “And you should inform us good tidings of your good state… may we merit swiftly the complete redemption.”
The holy Rebbe, Admor Rabbi Yechezkiya Fisch of Mátészalka (1885-1944, Ency. Of Chassidus, vol. II, p. 189) was the son of Rabbi Aharon Yeshaya Fisch, Av Beis Din of Hodes, and son-in-law of Rabbi Yisrael Waldman of Borşa ( a descendant of the Bnei Yisaschar and the holy Rebbe of Zidechoiv). After his father’s passing in 1928 he succeeded his father and moved to Mátészalka. He was known as an immense servant of G-D in piety and asceticism and great fervor, fasting and chastising himself. Delved into the study of Kaballah following the methods of Komarna and Zidechoiv. During the last seven years of his life “most of his speech and teachings were on the topic of Mesirus Nefesh, and he pointed out that each Jew must be prepared even to be burnt alive and give up his life for the sanctity of His name.” He was in the ghetto in Mátészalka for approximately a month, from right after Pesach of 1944. During that time he only spoke of topics of the coming of Mashiach and Mesirus Nefesh. He was murdered on the 28th of Iyar in Auschwitz. After his murder, a note was found in one of the Seforim he left behind in the ghetto, on which he wrote “a name and a Yichud that one must have in mind when giving his soul for the sanctity of Hashem”. (Eleh Ezkera, vol. IV, pp. 70-75). Sefer “Lev Yechezkiya” was printed from his writings.
Postcard. 15cm. Little wear on edges. Good condition.