Letter with important historic information from the Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Gimpel Hakohen Valk – Vienna, 1924.
The letter was written on the official letterhead of the first Knessiah Gedolah of Agudas Yisroel, which took place in Vienna in 1923 – making the paper itself into a rare historical item.
The content of the letter is no less important. Sent to his relatives, the letter is written partially in Hebrew and intended for his father. In it he describes the Rosh Hashana prayers which he held together with Viennese youth, “Where I poured out prayers before the Master of all creation. Despite the fact that the congregation was mainly – besides for a few who had already left youth behind them and have still not reached the age of wisdom – composed of young men, the atmosphere was very pleasant to me, for indeed the Hungarian youth are of a different sort, where youth and maturity are intermingled by them, and their youth has in it a taste of the awe of the elders…”
The second part of the letter is written in German Yiddish and is intended for his mother.
[1] official, rare letterhead of the first Knessiah Gedolah of Agudas Yisroel. Written on both sides. Fold marks and wear. Good condition.