“Sephardic Machzor of the High-Holy days” – Venice, 1638.
Glosses in Italian handwriting from the period, most regarding extensive censorship deletions in this exemplar.
Sephardic Machzor for the High-Holy days, the Selichot for the pre-dawn nights, and prayers for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Venice, Giorgio Calleoni press, 1638.
With Kabbalistic commentary and elucidations on the Shofar by the Rama”k – Rabbeinu Moshe Cordoveiro. Based on the Venice 1634 edition. On the last page is a poem by the proofreader, Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh of Modena.
311 pp. Stains, including moisture stains. Wear and slight professional restoration to single damaged margins. Good condition.